An open source accounting system designed to have an easily accessable database and GRPC endpoints for communication.
Command | Description |
Godbledger |
The main server. It is the access point for transactions that will be saved to the accounting database. |
Ledgercli |
A CLI client that can be used to transmit transactions to the server. |
Reporter |
Builds basic reports from the database on the command line. |
GRPC and Proto Buffers The primary way to communicate with Godbledger is through the GRPC endpoint, submitting a transaction that contains your journal entry/transaction.
a python client with example calls can be found here
Ledgercli included with this repo communicates with Godbledger using GRPC but opens up several cli commands for usage
Ledger files the ledgercli allows for the processing of ledger files. This has been roughly implemented by forking
Trading Simulator An example project has been developed that simulates a market trader (Random Walk) and the trades are recorded using Godbledger
Reporter The general usage of Godbledger is not to provide information but to simply guide transactions to be recorded in a consistent manner in the database. To actually view your financial information we should query the database directly. Reporter has two SQL queries in built (Transaction Listing, and Trial Balance) that will be formatted in a table/json/csv for your viewing.
reporter trialbalance
PDF Financial Statements Reporter also has a function to generate pdf financial reports. Two templates for Profit and Loss and Balance sheet have been provided.
reporter pdf -template profitandloss
The PDF files are generated from handlebars iterating over the tagged accounts. This is compiled into PDF using nodejs.
Templates can be viewed here
Godbledger will set a default configuration if none has been provided using Sqlite3 as the default database.
The config file can be found by default at:
Call from the root directory
protoc -I proto/ proto/transaction.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto
default stored location for database is .ledger/ledgerdata sqlite3 ledger.db
Select all transactions
SELECT * FROM splits JOIN split_accounts ON splits.split_id = split_accounts.split_id
Find the accounts with Tag
SELECT * FROM accounts where account_id in (select account_id from account_tag where tag_id = 8);
- Create Yurnell - programmable journal entries
- Add an edit transaction function
- run GoDBLedger on a separate server and access the open port through the network