The project ‘TOP INDIAN SINGERS’ is a BLOG website made using HTML and CSS, which contains the information of some of the top singers of India.
- To create the webpage that contains a list of all time top singers of India.
- Have to add the name and image of the singer.
- Have to create a layout for the additional details of the singers like bio, list of songs, list of awards won and some pictures and videos related to that singer.
- Have to use the HTML to create the webpage and with CSS have to apply style to the webpage.
- Created the home page which has a navigation list, logo text, banner, title and the list of singers.
- Made a 4x4 grid profile card to list the singer`s name with their photo.
- When hovering on the profile card, the read more option will show, which is clickable.
- By clicking on read more, it redirects to the respective singers webpage.
- The webpage, it contains the navigation menu when clicked on that it will scroll down to the respective details block.
- The webpage contains the name of the singer with their photo and other details.
★ VS code
★ Google Fonts
★ Netlify