NodeJS Map clone replacement for RealDeviceMap
1.) Clone repository git clone
2.) Install dependencies npm install
3.) Copy config cp src/config.example.json src/config.json
4.) Create a Discord bot at and enter the botToken
, clientId
, and clientSecret
in your config.json
5.) Fill out config vi src/config.json
6.) Run npm start
7.) Access via http://machineip:port/ login using your Discord account
1.) git pull
2.) Run npm install
in root folder
3.) Run npm start
Once everything is setup and running appropriately, you can add this to PM2 ecosystem.config.js file so it is automatically started:
module.exports = {
apps : [
name: 'MapJS',
script: 'index.js',
cwd: '/home/username/MapJS/src/',
instances: 1,
autorestart: true,
watch: false,
max_memory_restart: '2G',
out_file: 'NULL'
- Include S2Cell/Weather polgyons in api data
- Fix pokemon IV filtering
- Fix nests bug
- Implement submission cells
- Fix issue with area endpoint and zoom