Vim/NeoVim, tmux, shell config files and utility scripts for macOS and Linux.
To install the dotfiles, utility scripts and packages run the following commands:
- kubectl-shell
- Description: kubectl plugin to open a shell in a pod in a Kubernetes cluster
- Usage:
kubectl shell <pod-name>
- kubectl-dorker
- Description: kubectl plugin to install a pod with a shell in a Kubernetes cluster for debugging cluster issues
- Usage:
kubectl dorker {up|down}
- kubectl-kind
- Description: kubectl plugin to create a Kubernetes cluster using kind
- Usage:
kubectl kind
- kubectl-setns
- Description: kubectl plugin to set the namespace of the current context
- Usage:
kubectl setns <namespace>
- dorker
- Description: Utility script to create a container with aws/helm/kubectl and other utilities for debugging
- Usage:
- mfa
- Description: Utility script to generate 2FA tokens from yubikey
- Usage:
mfa <service-name>
- codemux
Description: Utility script to open a tmux session with vscode specific layout and configurations
codemux <workspace-name>
. This launches a vscode session named<workspace-name>
. To use with vscode add the following to your vscode settings.json"terminal.integrated.profiles.osx": { "tmux": { "path": "codemux", "args": [ "${workspaceFolderBasename}" ], "icon": "terminal-tmux" } }
autoload setting (pre-requisite for enabling completion)
autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
source <(kubectl completion zsh)
complete -C '$(command -v aws_completer)' aws
source <(helm completion zsh)
├── .config
│ ├── nvim
│ │ └── init.lua
│ ├── ripgrep
│ │ └── config
│ ├── tmux
│ │ ├── tmux.conf
│ │ └── vscode.conf
│ ├── utils
│ │ ├── agnoster.zsh.patch
│ │ ├── compose.yaml
│ │ └── kubernetes.yaml
│ └── yamllint
│ └── config
├── .gitconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .local
│ └── bin
│ ├── codemux
│ ├── dorker
│ ├── kubectl-dorker
│ ├── kubectl-kind
│ ├── kubectl-setns
│ ├── kubectl-shell
│ ├── mfa
│ ├──
│ ├── tmux-battery-info
│ ├── tmux-spotify-info
│ └── tmux-system-info
├── .vim
│ └── vimrc
├── .zshrc
├── Brewfile