This is a draft that will be used to develop the Library Carpentry Pythonlesson during the 2017 Mozilla Global Sprint.
Once development is complete this repo will be transfered to the Library Carpentry github account and will be available on the Library Carpetnry website.
Details of what Library Carpentry id doing for the sprint are here:
What needs to be done to get this lesson complete:
- Review the existing draft lesson and determine what can be used from that lesson
- Move that stuff to this lesson
- Fill in the gaps
- Basing this lesson on seven episodes which explore: single things (variables); groups of things (lists etc); operators; choices (if/else); repeating (loops); chunks (functions/objects); combining chunks (function composition)
- Need to determine if this is too much for one lesson
- Develop objectives (see _extras\
- Develop sumative assessments (see _extras\
- Develop formative assessments (see _extras\
- Decide which scenario(s) to use as illustrations for the episodes/lesson
- Etherpad for the lesson redevelopment:
- LC gitter room:
- Software Carpentry example lesson:
- Suggested inspiration:
- Initial planning doc:
- Mozilla Gitter: