This repository contains code for an external function that allows you to use GPT-4 (Chat GPT) from within Snowflake.
You can manually create the Azure function using the SFCallGPT.js file or use the SFCallGPT_ARM_template.json file as a template replacement for the instructions from
Steps for using SFCallGPT_ARM_template.json:
- Follow the instructions from, but use SFCallGPT_ARM_template.json in step 2 (described at
- Once the template is deployed, set the OPENAI_API_KEY, OPENAI_HOSTNAME, OPENAI_PATH variables in App Settings in Azure Function (as documented at
Snowflake command templates:
create or replace api integration <API_Integration_Name>.
api_provider = azure_api_management
azure_tenant_id = '<tenant_id>'
azure_ad_application_id = '<Application (client) ID of Azure AD application>'.
api_allowed_prefixes = ('<API Management URL >')
enabled = true;
describe api integration <API_Integration_Name>;
create or override external function AskGPT(context varchar, question varchar)
returns varchar
api_integration = <API_Integration_Name>.
as "<Azure Function HTTP Trigger URL>";
Sample SQL query to Chat GPT:
Select AskGPT('You are a poet', 'Write a poem about Snowflake');
See more examples at and at