Mandatory scripts for running regression tests on MMM Classroom machines.
This system is run via the Unix crontab system.
# WRF Regression test cron
[email protected]
# Detect if a regression test has been requested
# min hour day-mon mon day-wk command
*/5 * * * * /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS/shared_cron.csh /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS /classroom/dave master=true >> $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt 2>&1
# Every Sunday at midnight (UTC) remove the accumulated output file
# min hour day-mon mon day-wk command
0 0 * * 0 rm -f $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
# WRF Regression test cron
[email protected]
# Run test for new reg test every 5 min, with a 2 minute offset so the master can get ducks in a row
# min hour day-mon mon day-wk command
7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * * /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS/shared_cron.csh /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS /classroom/dave master=false >> $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt 2>&1
# Every Sunday at midnight (UTC) remove the accumulated output file
# min hour day-mon mon day-wk command
0 0 * * 0 rm -f $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
To activate the regression testing, a local file is copied and edited.
- Copy the file "run_template" to "RUN"
cp run_template RUN
- Edit this file as shown below.
- Change the permissions to world writeable, not executable.
chmod 666 RUN
Here is what a typical run_template
file looks like:
Email: [email protected]
Repo: WRF
Branch: release-v4.1.1
This information is filled in as:
Email: where you want the results mailed to, single person
example: [email protected]
example: [email protected]
Fork: which github for
Repo: There are still people who have a repo that is named WRF-1
example: WRF
example: WRF-1
Branch: which branch to checkout
example: develop
example: master
example: release-v4.1.2