👀 - I’m interested in Learning any and every new method of producing code and automated methodologies - especially those that push the Philosophies of John Perry Barlow
🌱 - I’m currently learning Everything Hashicorp, Other Automations, JavaScript, Protractor, Cypress, Topology Refinement, Systems Analysis and Design
💞️ - I’m looking to collaborate on Automated Testsuite Implementation, Auomated Test Result Monitoring / Refinement / Analysis / Trend Isolation
📫 - How to reach me:
-- E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
-- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-lanning-3636a612/
-- KeyBase: https://keybase.io/dawilan
- This is GangstaCode witten in Emacs ( heh just kidding ) and pushed forward my the complexities of BullsheettCode4.32.1 ( New Minor Version impending ).