Just run build.sh file with appropriate parameters to build your iOS app from command line/Jenkins or other build automation system.
- Workspace(required)
The configration that should be build e.g. 'Release', 'Debug' or 'Distribution'
- Project(required)
Path to the project file
- BuildNumber(required)
Build Number
- FileSuffix(optional)
Used to differntiate same app for enterprise and app store
- AppPP(required)
Application provisoning profile
- WatchAppPP(optional)
Watch provisoning profile
- WathExtenstionPP(optional)
Watch extension provisoning profile
- AppBundleID(required)
Application bundle ID
- WatchAppBundleID(optional)
Watch bundle ID
- WatchExtenstionBundleID(optional)
Watch extension bundle ID
- AppVersion(required)
Application version
- BundleMajorVersion(required)
Bundle major version
- AppName(required)
Application name
- TeamID(required)
Your apple team ID
- Config(required)
The configration that should be build e.g. 'Release', 'Debug' or 'Distribution'