Grammarize is a simple Rails gem for adding grammar inflector methods to string.
Let's assume you have a model that holds a attribute for gender. In your case it returns "guy" and "girl". You want to be able to use your models in text in a natural way. Below is a typical way you would see it done.
@john = User.find(1)
@susan = User.find(2)
@sentence = "#{@john.name} said to #{@susan.name}, #{john.gender == "guy" ? "he" : "she"} likes #{susan.gender == "guy" ? "his" : "her"} dress."
I am being a little extreme in my example but I think for the sake of user experience and delight getting this stuff right is critical.
John said to Susan, he likes her dress.
Using Grammarize
@sentence = "#{@john.name} said to #{@susan.name}, #{john.gender.subjectize(:third)} likes #{susan.gender.objectize(:third)} dress."
John said to Susan, he likes her dress.
In the exmaple you see John is the personal pronoun subject and Susan is the personal pronoun object, you will notice I also passed in a 3 into both subjectize and objectize which indicates we are speaking in the 3rd person.
Here are a few more examples
First Person Subject
@sentence = "#{@susan.gender.subjectize} like coffee."
I like coffee.
First Person Object
@sentence = "#{@susan.name} helped #{@john.gender.objectize}"
Susan helped me.
There are no documents yet sorry! However I will do more examples and flesh out the documentation as I work on it more.
Subjectize This results in personal pronouns (i, you, he, she, it) as a subject, with allowance for 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
subjectize(person=:first, locale = :en)
"woman".subjectize # i
"woman".subjectize :first # i
"woman".subjectize :second # you
"woman".subjectize :third # she
Objectize This results in personal pronouns (me, you, him, her, it) as an object, with allowance for 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
objectize(person=:first, locale = :en)
"woman".objectize # me
"woman".objectize :first # me
"woman".objectize :second # you
"woman".objectize :third # her
Possessivize This results in possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its), with allowance for 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
possessivize(person=:first, locale = :en)
"woman".possessivize # mine
"woman".possessivize :first # mine
"woman".possessivize :second # yours
"woman".possessivize :third # hers
Ownerize This results in possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its), with allowance for 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
ownerize(person=:first, locale = :en)
"woman".ownerize # my
"woman".ownerize :first # my
"woman".ownerize :second # your
"woman".ownerize :third # her
Adultize This results in man, woman and person.
adultize(locale = :en)
"girl".adultize # woman
Childize This results in boy, girl and child.
childize(locale = :en)
"woman".childize # girl
Casualize This results in guy, girl and person.
casualize(locale = :en)
"woman".casualize # girl
Genderize This results in male, female and neutral.
genderize(locale = :en)
"woman".genderize # female
Maleize Turns whatever you give it into the male form - assume the inflector has it stored
maleize(locale = :en)
"woman".maleize # man
Femaleize Turns whatever you give it into the female form - assume the inflector has it stored
femaleize(locale = :en)
"man".femaleize # woman
Neutralize Turns whatever you give it into the neutral form - assume the inflector has it stored
neutralize(locale = :en)
"woman".neutralize # person
Familize This allows your to get the name based on the familial relationship such as :child, :parent, :grandparent etc.
familize(relationship, locale = :en)
"woman".familize :parent # mother
"woman".familize :grandparent # grandmother
"woman".familize :child # daughter
"woman".familize :grandchild # granddaughter
###Configuration Not much to do other than just bundling the gem, however if you want to extend the inflections create an initializer file in your config called grammarize.rb and add your inflections
# config/initializers/grammarize.rb
Grammarize::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
# male, female, neutra
inflect.gender "bull", "cow", "cattle"
# first, second, third person
inflect.person "i", "you", "hers"
*you will notice that you can sort of use your own locale with the exception that for now it only really support english given that in the methods I hard coded the indicators in the apply_pronouns and apply_familiar which will be updated soon to be configurable.
Nope no tests either.
Yes please! I would really like to make it much better so any grammar police need apply.
Developed by Mitchell Geere
Copyright © 2015 Daybear, Inc. Standard MIT-License