Test package for ROS2 idl message generation.
This package demonstrates the ability to generate ROS messages directly from an IDL file. An example IDL from the rosidl repository is used as a test. The MyMessage.idl file was modified from the original to remove the long double and wchar entries. The two example includes were also removed. Finally the module names were changed to match the package name and message type. i.e. rosidl_parser -> idl_msgs and msg -> idl.
module idl_msgs{. // matches package name
module idl {. // Must be 'idl'
// Message Contents
Build the package by running:
mkdir -p idl_demo_ws/src
cd idl_demo_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/davidhodo/ros2_idl_demo.git
cd ../
colcon build
Run the ROS2 publisher:
ros2 run idl_pub idl_pub
Run the ROS2 subscriber:
ros2 run idl_sub idl_sub
Run the eProsima publisher:
./install/rtps_string/lib/rtps_string/StringMsg publisher
Run the eProsima subscriber:
./install/rtps_string/lib/rtps_string/StringMsg subscriber
The example code in the fastrtps_string folder was generated using eProsima's fastrtps gen by running:
fastrtpsgen -example CMake ../idl_msgs/idl/StringMsg.idl
In order to interoperate with the ROS2 publisher/subscriber the following changes must be made to the generated code.
- Change the topic name to "rt/chatter"
- Change the type name to idl_msgs::idl::dds_::StringMsg_