This project is meant to be a landing page for the Python Alicante community and a like-system to organize MeetUps. It allows the community members to propose Meetup topics and also to propose themselves as speakers.
Project structure is shown in the following schema:
- Python v3.10 or higher (installation).
- Python pip package manager (installation).
- Python virtual environments (doc, guide).
- Docker (installation).
- Git (installation).
- Make (doc).
Fork this project in GitHub to your own account. Clone repository to your local, navigate to MeetupSelector
directory and execute the following commands:
git clone
cd MeetupSelector
cp example.env .env # Edit this file as you want
make setup # To create the virtualenv and install project dependencies
make build # To create Docker images
make run # To run the project
make createsuperuser # To create an administrator user in the application
This project manages the Issues and Tasks in Taiga. Feel free to open an Issue in GitHub, it's synchronised with Taiga. If you want to collaborate, read the next section.
To view the project roadmap, read the roadmap section on documentation.
Made with contributors-img.
This software is released under the GPLv3 license.