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fix cyclomatic complexity yielding redundant messages
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- Issue fsprojects#559: fix for cyclomatic complexity rule yielding multiple messages for same scope
- Added tests for this case
  • Loading branch information
davidtgillard committed Oct 28, 2022
1 parent 14fe636 commit fd82fcf
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 56 deletions.
140 changes: 89 additions & 51 deletions src/FSharpLint.Core/Rules/Conventions/CyclomaticComplexity.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module FSharpLint.Rules.CyclomaticComplexity

open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharpLint.Framework
open FSharpLint.Framework.Suggestion
Expand All @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ type Config = {

/// The scope of a binding.
type BindingScope =
type private BindingScope =
/// The Node corresponding to the binding.
Node: AstNode
Expand All @@ -26,8 +27,67 @@ type BindingScope =
Complexity: int

type private BindingScopeComparer() =
interface IComparer<BindingScope> with
member this.Compare(left, right) =
let leftStart = left.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithoutRhs.Start
let rightStart = right.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithoutRhs.Start
let leftTuple : ValueTuple<int, int, int> = leftStart.Line, leftStart.Column, left.Complexity
let rightTuple : ValueTuple<int, int, int> = rightStart.Line, rightStart.Column, right.Complexity
leftTuple.CompareTo rightTuple

/// A two-tiered stack-like structure for containing BindingScopes.
type private BindingStack(maxComplexity: int) =
let mutable tier1_ = []
let mutable tier2_ = SortedSet<BindingScope>(BindingScopeComparer())

member this.Push (args:AstNodeRuleParams) (bs: BindingScope) =
// if the node is a child of the current binding scope
let isChildOfCurrent = if List.isEmpty tier1_ then
args.GetParents args.NodeIndex |> List.tryFind (fun x -> Object.ReferenceEquals(tier1_.Head.Node, x)) |> Option.isSome
// if the node is not a child and the stack isn't empty, we're finished with the current head of tier1, so move it from tier1 to tier2
if not isChildOfCurrent && not (List.isEmpty tier1_) then
let popped = tier1_.Head
tier1_ <- tier1_.Tail
if popped.Complexity > maxComplexity then
tier2_.Add popped |> ignore
// finally, push the item on to the stack
tier1_ <- bs::tier1_

member this.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope incr =
let h = tier1_.Head
let complexity = h.Complexity + incr
tier1_ <- {h with Complexity = complexity}::tier1_.Tail

interface IEnumerable<BindingScope> with
member this.GetEnumerator() =
let cleanedUp =
|> List.filter (fun scope -> scope.Complexity > maxComplexity)
|> List.sortByDescending (fun scope -> scope.Complexity) // sort in descending order by complexity
|> List.distinctBy (fun scope -> scope.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithRhs.Start) // throw away any extraneous elements with the same start position but a lower complexity
let enum1 = cleanedUp :> IEnumerable<BindingScope>
let enum2 = tier2_ :> IEnumerable<BindingScope>
Enumerable.Concat(enum1, enum2).GetEnumerator()

member this.GetEnumerator(): Collections.IEnumerator = (this :> IEnumerable<BindingScope> :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()

/// Clears the stack.
member this.Clear() =
tier1_ <- []

/// A stack to track the current cyclomatic complexity of a binding scope.
let mutable private BindingStack : BindingScope list = []
let mutable private bindingStackOpt : BindingStack option = None

let private getBindingStack (maxComplexity: int) =
match bindingStackOpt with
| Some bs -> bs
| None -> let bs = BindingStack maxComplexity
bindingStackOpt <- Some bs

/// Determines the number of cases in a match clause.
let private countCasesInMatchClause (clause: SynMatchClause) =
Expand All @@ -42,11 +102,6 @@ let private countCasesInMatchClause (clause: SynMatchClause) =
match clause with
| SynMatchClause(pat, _, _, _, _) -> countCases pat 0

let private increaseComplexity incr =
let h = BindingStack.Head
let complexity = h.Complexity + incr
BindingStack <- {h with Complexity = complexity}::BindingStack

/// Boolean operator functions.
let private boolFunctions = Set.ofList ["op_BooleanOr"; "op_BooleanAnd"]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,44 +144,24 @@ let private countBooleanOperators expression =

/// Runner for the rule.
let runner (config:Config) (args:AstNodeRuleParams) : WarningDetails[] =
let popOffBindingStack() =
if BindingStack.Length > 0 then
let popped = BindingStack.Head
BindingStack <- BindingStack.Tail
// if the complexity within the scope of the binding is greater than the max complexity, report it
if popped.Complexity > config.MaxComplexity then
let errorFormatString = Resources.GetString("RulesCyclomaticComplexityError")
let errMsg = String.Format(errorFormatString, popped.Complexity, config.MaxComplexity)
Some { Range = popped.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithRhs; Message = errMsg; SuggestedFix = None; TypeChecks = [] }

let bindingStack = getBindingStack config.MaxComplexity

let mutable warningDetails = None
let node = args.AstNode
let parentIndex = args.SyntaxArray.[args.NodeIndex].ParentIndex
let parentIndex = args.SyntaxArray[args.NodeIndex].ParentIndex
// determine if the node is a duplicate of a node in the AST containing ExtraSyntaxInfo (e.g. lambda arg being a duplicate of the lambda itself)
let isMetaData = if parentIndex = args.NodeIndex then
Object.ReferenceEquals(node, args.SyntaxArray.[parentIndex].Actual)
Object.ReferenceEquals(node, args.SyntaxArray[parentIndex].Actual)
// determine if the node is a binding, and so will be pushed onto the stack
let bindingOpt = match node with
| AstNode.Binding binding -> Some binding
| _ -> None
// if the node is a child of the current binding scope
let isChildOfCurrent = if List.isEmpty BindingStack then
args.GetParents args.NodeIndex |> List.tryFind (fun x -> Object.ReferenceEquals(BindingStack.Head.Node, x)) |> Option.isSome
// if the node is not a child and the stack isn't empty, we're finished with the current binding scope at the head of the stack, so pop it off
if not isChildOfCurrent && List.length BindingStack > 0 then
warningDetails <- popOffBindingStack()

// if the node is a binding, push it onto the stack
match bindingOpt with
| Some binding -> BindingStack <- { Node = node; Binding = binding; Complexity = 0 }::BindingStack
| Some binding -> bindingStack.Push args { Node = node; Binding = binding; Complexity = 0 }
| None -> ()

// if not metadata, match the node against an expression which increments the complexity
Expand All @@ -135,40 +170,43 @@ let runner (config:Config) (args:AstNodeRuleParams) : WarningDetails[] =
| AstNode.Expression expression ->
match expression with
| SynExpr.For _ ->
increaseComplexity 1
bindingStack.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope 1
| SynExpr.ForEach _ ->
increaseComplexity 1
bindingStack.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope 1
| SynExpr.While(_, condition, _, _) ->
increaseComplexity (1 + countBooleanOperators condition) // include the number of boolean operators in the while condition
bindingStack.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope (1 + countBooleanOperators condition) // include the number of boolean operators in the while condition
| SynExpr.IfThenElse(condition, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
increaseComplexity (1 + countBooleanOperators condition) // include the number of boolean operators in the condition
bindingStack.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope (1 + countBooleanOperators condition) // include the number of boolean operators in the condition
| SynExpr.MatchBang(_, _, clauses, _)
| SynExpr.MatchLambda(_, _, clauses, _, _)
| SynExpr.Match(_, _, clauses, _) ->
let numCases = clauses |> List.sumBy countCasesInMatchClause // determine the number of cases in the match expression
increaseComplexity (numCases + countBooleanOperators expression) // include the number of boolean operators in any when expressions, if applicable
bindingStack.IncrComplexityOfCurrentScope (numCases + countBooleanOperators expression) // include the number of boolean operators in any when expressions, if applicable
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()

// if the last node to be processed, pop everything off the stack
if args.NodeIndex >= args.SyntaxArray.Length-1 then
seq {
match warningDetails with
| Some x -> yield x
| None -> ()
while not BindingStack.IsEmpty do
match popOffBindingStack() with
| Some x -> yield x
| None -> ()
} |> Seq.toArray
let fromStack = bindingStack
|> Seq.sortBy (fun scope -> // sort by order of start position, for reporting
let pos = scope.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithRhs.Start
pos.Column, pos.Line)
|> (fun scope -> // transform into WarningDetails
let errMsg = String.Format(Resources.GetString("RulesCyclomaticComplexityError"), scope.Complexity, config.MaxComplexity)
{ Range = scope.Binding.RangeOfBindingWithRhs; Message = errMsg; SuggestedFix = None; TypeChecks = [] })
|> Seq.toList
let ret = match warningDetails with
| Some x -> x::fromStack
| None -> fromStack
ret |> List.toArray
match warningDetails with
| Some x -> [|x|]
| None -> Array.empty

/// Resets call stack after a call to runner.
let cleanup () =
BindingStack <- []
match bindingStackOpt with
| Some bs -> bs.Clear()
| None _ -> ()

/// Generator function for a rule instance.
let rule config =
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module FSharpLint.Core.Tests.Rules.Conventions.CyclomaticComplexity

open Ionide.ProjInfo.ProjectSystem
open NUnit.Framework
open FSharpLint.Rules.CyclomaticComplexity
open System

/// The max cyclomatic complexity as configured in these tests.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type TestConventionsCyclomaticComplexity() =
member this.EnsureNoErrorWhenComplexityBelowThreshold(code) =
this.Parse code

/// Verifies that flags are raised on source code that has cyclomatic complexity > maxComplexity.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let f() =
let g() =
{makeMatchSnippetWithLogicalOperatorsInWhenClause (MaxComplexity / 2) |> indent 8}"""
this.Parse code
Assert.AreEqual(0, this.ErrorRanges.Length)
Assert.IsTrue this.NoErrorsExist

/// Verifies that the cyclomatic complexity is calculated on functions independently by checking that a function that comes after a function with a cyclomatic complexity that is flagged as too high need not be flagged.
Expand All @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ let f() =
{makeMatchSnippet MaxComplexity |> indent 8}
this.Parse code
Assert.AreEqual(0, this.ErrorRanges.Length)
Assert.IsTrue this.NoErrorsExist

/// Verifies that the cyclomatic complexity is calculated on nested functions independently by checking that a nested function that comes after another nested function with a cyclomatic complexity that is flagged as too high need not be flagged.
Expand All @@ -235,4 +235,19 @@ let f() =
{makeMatchSnippet (MaxComplexity) |> indent 8}
{makeMatchSnippet (MaxComplexity+1) |> indent 4}"""
this.Parse code
Assert.AreEqual(2, this.ErrorRanges.Length)
Assert.AreEqual(2, this.ErrorRanges.Length)

/// Verifies that the multiple messages are not provided for a single function.
member this.EnsureRedundantWarningsNotReported() =
// generates a vapid match clause
let genMatchClause i = $"""| "{i}" -> match str with
| "A" -> ()
| "B" -> ()"""
// create a snippet of code with 10 match clauses
let matchClauses = [ 1..10 ] |> genMatchClause |> (indent 4) |> String.concat NewLine
let code = """Module Program
let f (str: string) =
match str with""" + NewLine + matchClauses
this.Parse code
Assert.AreEqual(1, this.ErrorRanges.Length)

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