Adidas Code Challenge Julio 2018
This is a project done for the Adidas Code Challenge held on Julio 2018. There are two REST APIs built inside, following the guide for the challenge. Each API is done in a separate project. Docker deployment is also available for both APIs.
Both project were developed using Spring Tool Suite v3.9.2.RELEASE, Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.0.3. To facilitate the upload to GitHub, both projects were exported to ZIP files and uploaded.
- ZIP Code-Challenge: Refers to the Review API. Set on port 8081.
- ZIP Code-Challenge-2: Refers to the Product API. Set on port 8082.
Both apps have been dockerize, using Docker 18.06.0-ce, running under Windows 10 PRO.
- Review API is pushed to davix16/adidas-code-challenge-review:0.0.1
- Product API is pushed to davix16/adidas-code-challenge-product:0.0.1
Both projects were developed by David Pérez Lázaro, using part of the structure made by him following his work at Airtex Products, S.A.