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Welcome! If you've never hacked before, don't worry. This is a guide that will help you through your first hack. We'll be building Cheeper, a simple version of Twitter, in Python.

Here's the final result:

How to get help

If you find yourself getting stuck, don't just stare at the code for an hour. Instead, do the following:

  • Use Google. Results from are an amazing resource. You get to utilize the knowledge of the global computer science developer community. However, don't just copy-paste answers from the web. Make sure you understand exactly what's going on before you copy-paste anything.
  • Ask your neighbors. Working in groups is extremely productive as each of you can fill the gaps of knowledge the others have. Also, it's a good opportunity to make friends and find future potential project partners!
  • Ask H@B members for help. Several H@B members have volunteered to assist people with this hack.

Step 1: Make sure you have Python 3.4

You probably already have Python 3.4 installed if you're taking CS 61A. To check, type

python3 --version

in your command line.

  • If you have Python 3.4 or greater, go to the next step.
  • If you do not have Python 3.4 or greater, you will need to install it. To install Python:


Visit and click the big yellow download button for Python 3. Then install it.


First, make sure you have Homebrew. If not, visit the Homebrew website and follow the instructions to install it.

Once you have Homebrew installed, just do brew install python3 in your Terminal.


Type sudo apt-get install python3 in your Terminal.

Step 2: Install Flask

Flask is a web framework for Python. It makes it really easy to write web apps. Let's get it installed.

In your command line, type

pip3 install flask
  • If you get the error 'pip3' is not recognized as an internal or external command blah blah blah, you're probably using Windows. You will need to set your PATH variable so that Windows can locate pip3. You will need to add C:\<Your Python installation directory here>\Scripts\ to your PATH variable. Ask Google or your neighbor if you're unsure of how to do this, or ask a H@B officer if you're really stuck.

Step 3: Get coding

Now that you have Flask installed, you can get started. First, create a folder to hold your new project:

mkdir cheeper
cd cheeper
  • If you are on Windows, you don't have the touch command. Just open up your text editor and save a file called in the cheeper folder.

You just created the cheeper folder and a file inside of it. Now open up in your favorite text editor.

Okay, so let's get started with Flask.

First, what exactly is a web framework? When a person goes to a website, they send what's called an HTTP request to that website, asking for the site's content. Our web framework, Flask, will handle requests that are sent to us, and send back our site's content via an HTTP response.

Let's try building Hello World.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Copy and paste the example and put it in your file. This code imports Flask, creates an application (app), and defines a "route" (we'll go over that in a second), and finally starts up the server.

Try running it:


If it says something like: Running on, then it's working! Test it yourself by going to either http://localhost:5000 or in your favorite browser. It should say "Hello World!".

Note: both localhost and are addresses for your own computer and 5000 is the "port" number.

Now that you have this working, please go through the examples on the Flask quick start page and familiarize yourself with the Flask framework. You can stop once you hit Accessing Request Data. Make sure you understand what a route is and how to do routing with Flask. Hint: decorators.

Step 4: Creating a user interface

Let's create our home page for Cheeper. Create a directory in your cheeper directory called static. This will be the folder for our static files, or the files that don't change and are just retrieved and sent down by Flask when a browser asks for them.

Your project directory should look like this now:


Now inside your static folder, create a file called index.html. In it, put the following skeleton.

    <title>Cheeper - better than Twitter</title>
    Hello World!

This is HTML. It's a language that browsers understand and use to render web pages. In HTML files, you define the content and layout of your web page. index.html is the name for the default web page that's rendered when you go to a site, so index.html will function as the home page.

If you open the file in your web browser, you'll get a page that says "Hello World!", and on your tab, it should say what we put into the <title> tag.

Now, I suggest reading up on the basics of HTML. Make sure you understand how to create forms. Here's a Codecademy tutorial on creating web forms!

So now for some user interface design. If you are design inclined yourself, feel free to throw away my suggestions and use your own.

Our Cheeper webpage should include a glamorous logo and a space to type your cheep and cheep it to the world. We also need a feed, to display all the cheeps that have been cheeped.

First let's add the logo, which will just be really big text. We can do this with the <h1>. Add an <h1> tag into the body of index.html, which will be our logo.


Now let's add the form to write and submit your cheeps. Cheeps are only 76 characters long, right?

    <input name="name" type="text" /> 
    <input name="cheep" type="text" maxlength="76" /> 
    <input type="submit" />

Awesome! Our awesome, beautiful user interface is almost done. Let's now add a container (in HTML, this is known as a div) for the Cheeper feed to appear, just before the closing body tag.

  <div id="feed">

Cool! This is possibly the best UI I've ever designed. If you feel that it needs improvement, make it look as pretty as you want. Look into using CSS.

Step 5: Serving static webpages

Our html page, index.html is only visible on our own computers right now. We need to hook it up to our Flask server, which is accessible from other computers. We can do this pretty easily with some Flask magic.

Flask's job will be to grab index.html and return it for the route /, the homepage.

We can do this by modifying our Modify the hello method to return index.html instead using the app.send_static_file method.

def hello():
    return app.send_static_file('index.html')

Stop your server using Ctrl-C and start it again (python3, and then go to localhost:5000.

Note: You can see your changes to index.html immediately by just refreshing, but you need to restart your server (using Ctrl-C) every time you modify

Woot! Your site should now have a basic form for submitting cheeps showing.

Step 6: Sending requests to Flask

Let's quickly establish the notion of a front end and a back end.

  • Front end: what the "client," or web browser sees. In our case, files in static/ are the front end.
  • Back end: the application that handles storing, manipulating, and sending data back to the front end. In our case, is the back end, so far.

Right now, Flask just spits out our index.html file. What we now want to do is to send the data inputted into your web form to Flask. In index.html, add an action attribute and a method attribute with the following values to your form.

<form action='/api/cheep' method="POST">
  <input name="name" type="text" /> 
  <input name="cheep" type="text" maxlength="76" /> 
  <input type="submit" />
  • The form's action is the URL to which it submits its data. When you click the submit button, the form gathers all its data and sends it to the given URL. We're sending the form data to the /api/cheep URL.
  • The form's method is the HTTP method, which can be GET, POST, or some other more obscure methods. Essentially, a POST request means that we want to store data on the server.

Now that we send the data, we need to handle the data we receive in Flask. Let's go back to

First, add request to our list of imports from flask.

from flask import Flask, request

The request object allows us to get data and information about incoming HTTP requests.

Now we need to create a route for /api/cheep to actually receive the data.

Add the following method into your before the if __name__ == "__main__":. I'll explain what it does in a bit.

@app.route("/api/cheep", methods=["POST"])
def receive_cheep():
    return "Success!"

Note: at this point, you might be wondering what the @app.route(...) above the function definition does. It's what we call a function decorator. Decorators augments the behavior of a function. The app.route decorator makes your ordinary Python function into a server route. Pretty amazing! If you want to read more about decorators, check out this link.

In this new code we just added, we're adding a new route for /api/cheep, which would correspond to the url localhost:5000/api/cheep. We make sure it handles POST requests by saying so. In the function body itself, we're just printing out the data sent up by the form (for debugging purposes) and then returning a success message.

To test this out, restart your server and go to localhost:5000. Fill out your form with some data and hit the submit button. It should take you to a page that says "Success!" on it. Now look back at your server log (your terminal where you started the server). It should say something like:

ImmutableMultiDict([('cheep', 'testing 123'), ('name', 'bob jones')])

Don't worry exactly what this means. Just make sure it is filled with the data you submitted.

Step 7: Storing our cheeps

So at this point, our HTML page should be sending successful requests to the Flask server, but our cheeps aren't showing up on our home page!

Our job will now be to store the cheeps that are sent up to Flask. We'll do this with a database. A database allows us to store data on the hard disk and retrieve it later.

This is a very general pattern for web applications. The user will input some data on the front end. The data will be sent up via an HTTP request to the web server. The web server will then store the data in some sort of database.

Later, when the user wants to see their data, they'll request data from the web server via HTTP request, the server will ask the database for the data, then send it back down in the HTTP response.

We'll be using the sqlite3 database to store our cheeps. It's conveniently packaged with Python, so we don't need to install anything!

So what's sqlite3? Well, you might have heard of SQL before. It stands for Structured Query Language and it's a language you use to ask, or query, a database for data. In SQL databases, data is organized into tables, which have rows and columns. sqlite3 is just an example of a SQL database.

As mentioned above, a database is a collection of tables, kind of like an Excel spreadsheet, where each column is a different piece of information that an entry needs, and each row is an entry in the table.

Let's play with sqlite a bit first. Make a file called in your cheeper folder. Put the following in.

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('cheeps.db')

This imports the sqlite package and opens a connection to the database file named cheeps.db. If the file doesn't exist, sqlite will create it automatically.

c = conn.cursor()

We'll go more into detail on this later. A cursor basically points to a specific row in the database, which allows a programmer to make changes row by row. Now we can begin executing our SQL queries.

c.execute("CREATE TABLE cheeps (name, datetime, cheep)")

This creates a table named cheeps inside the cheeps.db database with three columns: name, datetime, and cheep. Each cheep will need to have this information. Cool! Now let's try and add a cheep!

c.execute("INSERT INTO cheeps VALUES ('bob', '100', 'Hello world!')")

This creates a cheep by the user bob with the text Hello World!, and that this cheep was created 100 seconds after January 1, 1970 (This is convention for how Python handles time.).

Let's double check that this works. Now we can read from the database and we should be able to see our cheep!

c.execute("SELECT * FROM cheeps")

Now let's commit (save) the changes and close the connection.


Now save the file and run it by doing python3 It should create the cheeps.db file and print out something like [('bob', '100', 'Hello world!')] to show that reading from the database was successful.

Awesome! Hopefully now you have a basic idea of how sqlite works. Now let's integrate it into our site. Read this short guide in the Flask documentation: Using SQLite 3 with Flask

Let's steal the code they have in the beginning to get and close the database. We'll add this to our file. We'll have to replace their call to connect_to_database to connect to our database. Also add in the necessary imports, including the time module, which we will be using soon. The top of your file should look something like this.

import sqlite3
import time
from flask import Flask, request, g

app = Flask(__name__)
DATABASE = 'cheeps.db'

def get_db():
    db = getattr(g, '_database', None)
    if db is None:
        db = g._database = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)
    return db

def close_connection(exception):
    db = getattr(g, '_database', None)
    if db is not None:

Now we can write a few more helper functions to make it easier to interact with the database.

def db_read_cheeps():
    cur = get_db().cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cheeps")
    return cur.fetchall()

This (as the function name suggests) reads the cheeps from the database. The function fetchall returns them as a list.

def db_add_cheep(name, cheep):
    cur = get_db().cursor()
    t = str(time.time())
    cheep_info = (name, t, cheep)
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO cheeps VALUES (?, ?, ?)", cheep_info)

Here we are using the time function in the time module to get the timestamp for the cheep. This gives us the number of seconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970). The execute function also allows us to pass in a tuple, so we can add in question marks in the query string and they will automatically get filled with the data in our cheep_info tuple. Finally, after we insert our cheep into the database, we need to commit the changes.

Now that we have all the database logic, we can add it into our route functions. We want all the most recent cheeps to appear on the home page, so the hello function should use the db_read_cheeps function to display the list of cheeps. Before we do the logic to display the cheeps, let's first double check that this works by simply printing out the cheeps.

def hello():
    cheeps = db_read_cheeps()
    return app.send_static_file('index.html')

Restart your server and then visit your website. Nothing will have changed, but if you check your terminal window running the server, you should see the list of cheeps getting printed out. You should have one cheep in there if you ran the script. Something like this:

 * Running on
[('bob', '100', 'Hello world!')] - - [16/Jul/2014 23:10:15] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Now we need to add in logic to save the cheeps once we submit the form. For that, we'll need to edit the receive_cheap function. Remember the request.form? That is basically a dictionary containing all the data we submitted in the form. We'll need to grab that data and pass it into our db_add_cheep function.

@app.route("/api/cheep", methods=["POST"])
def receive_cheep():
    db_add_cheep(request.form['name'], request.form['cheep'])
    return "Success!"

That should be everything you need to hook up to your database! Let's make sure it works! Add a tweet using the form on your homepage. It should take you to the page that says "Success!". Now, when you go back to the homepage, refresh your browser, and check your terminal window, you should see more cheeps getting printed out.

Awesome! The database is hooked up and ready to go.

Step 8: Displaying our cheeps

Even though the database is showing up, nothing is showing up on our page yet! That's because we're still serving a static html page. We need to write up a template. Don't worry, it's not too bad. Hopefully you remember what you read in the flask quickstart guide earlier, if not check out the Rendering Templates section again.

What's a template? Think about what a Facebook profile looks like. Every user has a different Facebook profile: different photos, different friends, different posts. But it would be a pain of Facebook had to make a new static HTML page for each user. Instead, you'll notice that every Facebook profile has a the same basic structure and design. The cover photo is on the top, the profile picture is in the top left, and the wall goes down the middle of the profile. The goal of a templating language is to establish this basic structure, and then leave parts of it ready to be filled in based on the URL and any options you pass in.

Let's write a template. First, we'll need to import render_template from flask. Your imports should look like this now.

import sqlite3
import time
from flask import Flask, g, request, render_template

Now replace send_static_file with render_template inside of the hello function. Now it should look like this.

def hello():
    cheeps = db_read_cheeps()
    return render_template('index.html')

But wait, if you try to visit your homepage right now it won't show up! The problem now is that render_template looks for a folder called templates for all of your template files. Right now our HTML file is in static/index.html! Rename the static folder and call it templates. Now your original homepage should appear again.

So how does the template get the information from our server? Conveniently, render_template handles that for you! Simply pass in a keyword argument into your call to render_template.

    return render_template('index.html', cheeps=cheeps)

Now we can access the name cheeps from our index.html file. Take a glance at the Template Designer Documentation. Lets edit index.html and have it display our first cheep. Remember, a cheep is a tuple with three elements (name, time, cheep), and cheeps is a list of them. Find the div container with the id "feed" and insert the following.

<div id="feed">
    <h2> Cheeps </h2>
    <div class="cheep">
        <b>{{ cheeps[0][0] }}</b>
        <p>{{ cheeps[0][2] }}</p>

But we don't want to show only ONE cheep, but we want to be able to list all of them. How do we do that? Well, with a for loop of course!

<div id="feed">
    <h2> Cheeps </h2>
    {% for cheep in cheeps %}
    <div class="cheep">
        <b>{{ cheep[0] }}</b>
        <p>{{ cheep[2] }}</p>
    {% endfor %}

Now it should list all your cheeps!

One more thing, let's remove that dumb "Success!" page after you post a cheep. That would be in your receive_cheep function. Import the function redirect from flask at the top of your file. As you might've guessed, redirect will redirect you to a different page, in our case, back to the home page!

Replace the line

return "Success!"


return redirect("/")

Now your site should redirect to the homepage after you post a cheep!

You've just built your first hack! Show your friends! Tell your mom! Start a billion dollar company!

Step 9: Now what?

Now you've gotten a taste of web development. There are a ton of things you can do from here! Here are a few ideas.

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