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A vim plugin manager for lazy people


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                A vim plugin manager for lazy people

You hate that Micros*** bought Github ?
Do you now that Vizardry can install plugins from various sources since 2016 ?
See Grimoire

Table of contents

  1. Release notes
  2. Introduction
    1. Why This Fork ?
    2. Requirements
    3. Installation
    4. License
  3. Submodules
  4. Commands
    1. Scry
      1. Number of results
      2. Queries
      3. Search Options
    2. Invoke
      1. Display readme on Invoke
    3. Banish
    4. Unbanish
    5. Vanish
    6. Evolve
      1. Display readme on evolve
      2. Evolve from
    7. Vizardry
    8. Grimoire
  5. Magic
    1. Configuration
    2. Commands
      1. :Magic
      2. :Magicedit
      3. :Magicsplit
      4. :Magicvsplit
      5. :MagicCommit
  6. Get involved

Release notes

Current Version: 2.0

  • v2.0 comes with several improvements:

    • Grimoires abstraction to install bundles from any provider (Grimoires currently available: github, bitbuckets, gitlab), see Grimoire.
    • Re enabling of :Magic family commands with support for submodule mode, see Magic).
    • A major refactor including, several minor bug fix, and removing dependencies to external commands (sed, grep etc.).
    • A new documentation for developers to help Vizardry enthusiasts improve it.

    Important informations: Helps and Readme are not read from stdin anymore but from temporary file thus the Reader syntax have changed see: here.

  • v1.4 provides several bug fix and the capability of seeing help files from Invoke and Evolve prompt.

  • v1.3 allow to Invoke directly from Scry, to do so, I had to modify the input method (using :input(), instead of :getchar()), for the user the result is that it is now necessary to hit 'enter' after answering a prompt from Vizardry

  • Since v1.1, VizardrySortScryResults is replaced by VizardrySearchOptions


Remember back in the dark ages of 2013? When you had to search for vim plugins like a wild animal, using your browser?

In 2014, you can just type ":Invoke <keyword>" and Vizardry will automatically search github for the plugin you want and install it for you.

In 2015 you can even upgrade plugins from any git repo or using :Evolve.

As each year seems to come with a new improvement, in 2016 you are not limited to github anymore it is possible to install plugins from bitbucket, gitlab or virtually any others, see Grimoire.

Why this fork ?

This plugin is a fork from Ardagnir original Vizardry plugin which adds several pretty cool features including:

  • Grimoire abstraction to install bundle from any providers.
  • Vanish command to actually remove a plugin.
  • Evolve command to upgrade one or every plugins see Evolve.
  • Complete submodule handling for people having their vim config in a git repo (see submodules).
  • Dislay file inside vim while using :Invoke.
  • Navigate through search results with :Invoke
  • Set the length of Scry results list.
  • Go directly from Scry to Invoke
  • Search script written by specific user with :Scry and :Invoke
  • Automatically call :Helptags every time a plugin is Invoked.
  • ...


  • Vizardry requires pathogen. But you already have pathogen installed, don't you?

  • It also needs git, curl, and basic *nix commands.

  • You will probably have issues if you use a Windows OS.


Use pathogen.

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone


Vizardry: A vim plugin manager for lazy people Copyright (C) 2015,2016 David Beniamine. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2013, James Kolb. All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

How to use Vizardry with submodules ?

Set the following variables in your vimrc:

let g:VizardryGitMethod="submodule add"
let g:VizardryGitBaseDir="/path/to/your/git/repo"

The second variable must be the root of the repo containing your vim files.

Optionally you can set the vim commit messages (the name of the modified plugin will always be happened in the end of the message, the proposed values are the defaults):

let g:VizardryCommitMsgs={'Invoke': "[Vizardry] Invoked vim submodule:",
      \'Banish': "[Vizardry] Banished vim submodule:",
      \'Vanish': "[Vizardry] Vanished vim submodule:",
      \'Evolve': "[Vizardry] Evolved vim submodule:",

Each time you :Invoke, :Bannish or :Vanish a module, the submodule will be correctly updated and a minimal commit will be created.


  • Commits created by Vizardry are not automatically pushed.
  • The .gitmodule is included in each commit, do not use :Invoke, :Bannish or :Vanish if it contains some bad modifications.



:Scry [<query>]

  • If no is given, list all invoked and banished plugins.
  • If a is specified (see below), search for a script matching in title or readme and list N first results. After the search, ̀Scry will prompt you to Invoke a script, hit q to exit, or a number to Invoke the corresponding script.

Number of results

The number of results displayed can be configured by adding the following to your vimrc:

let g:VizardryNbScryResults = 25

Default is 10.


A <query> can be:

  • One or several keywords
  • A query matching the github search api
  • A mix of keywords and github search fields

Additionally, Vizardry adds the following parameters that can be used alone or in combination with a query + -u <user> (search every repositories of matching 'vim') + -q <grimoire> to search on a different grimoire

Search options

It is possible to set some github search option in your vimrc, default options are show forked repositories and sort by pertinence. These options can be overwritten. For instance adding the following to your vimrc will make vizardry show results sorted by number of stars hidding forked repositries.

let g:VizardrySortOptions="fork:false+sort:stars"

Any combination of github option can be used, a + must appear between each options. For the sort option, available parameters are stars, forks, updated, by default, it show the best match.


:Invoke [<query>|N]

  • If no arguments is specified, reload your plugins.
  • If the argument is a number, ask to install the plugin with that number from the last :Scry or Invoke.
  • If the argument is a <query>, search github for a plugin matching <query> (see above) and ask for install, the sort criteria for search results can be configured (see above).

Suppose you're in the middle of vimming and you have a sudden need to surround random words in "scare quotes". You can't remember who made the surround plugin, or whether it's called surround.vim, vim-surround or vim-surround-plugin. Most importantly, you're lazy.

Just type:

:Invoke surround

Vizardry will pop up a prompt saying:

Result 1/20: tpope/vim-surround
(surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple)

Clone as "surround"? (Yes/Rename/Displayreadme/displayHelp/Next/Previous/Abort)

Press Y and you can immediately start surrounding things. You can also take a look at the directly in vim by hitting d or at the help using h, Go to the next or previous script with n and p or abort a. It's that easy.

Even plugins with vague or silly names can be found with Vizardry. Imagine you're running multiple instances of vim and need a package to sync registers.


:Invoke sync registers

Vizardry will prompt you with:

Result 1/3: ardagnir/united-front
(Automatically syncs registers between vim instances)

Clone as "syncregisters"? (Yes/Rename/DisplayMore/Next/Previous/Abort)

Just as easy.

Display readme on Invoke

To view the readme, an other instance of vim is called, the command line can be configured:

let g:VizardryReadmeReader='view -c "set ft=markdown"'

The help file reader is also configurable, there is the default:

let g:VizardryHelpReader='view -c "set ft=help"'

Note: since v2.0, the - in the end of the reader line is not required anymore, please update your configuration accordingly.

Finally if readme or help is missing, Vizardry will try to search for the other one, if you dont like this behavior, you can prevent it:

let g:VizardryReadmeHelpFallback = 0


:Banish <keyword>

Banish a plugin, this only forbid pathogen to load it and does not remove the files. You need to restart vim to see the effects.


:Unbanish <keyword>

Reverse a banish.


:Vanish <keyword>

Remove definitively a plugin's files.


:Evolve [<keyword> [<branch>]]

Upgrade the plugin matching <keyword> using remote branche <branch> if specified. If no <keyword> is given, upgrade all possible plugins.

Git plugins are upgraded by doing git pull origin branch. Where branch the one specified in argument if any or the current branch of the local repository. If branch is different from the current branch, Vizardry will first create or checkout a local branch with the same name as the remote branch requested.

#### Display Readme On Evolve

Sometimes it can be a good idea to take a quick look at a plugin's README, help or git log when updating, to do so, add the following to your vimrc:

let g:VizardryViewReadmeOnEvolve=1

:Evolve will then ask you to display readme help or log each time a plugin is upgraded.

Evolve from

Evolving directly from is deprecated. To install plugin found at from github use:

:Invoke -u vim-scripts <plugin-name>

Were <plugin-name> is the actual name of the plugin at

You can also search a plugin by id:

:Invoke -u vim-scripts in:readme script_id=<id>

Show a basic usage and Vizardry version.


:Grimoire [provider]

List Grimoires or select the Grimoire from which you want to Scry and Invoke bundles. A grimoire is a website from which you can search for bundles such as github or bitbucket.

It is also possible to set the default grimoire in your vimrc

let g:VizardryDefaultGrimoire='github'

For Bitbucket and gitlab, an instance url can be supplied, here are the defaults:

let g:VizardryGitlabInstanceUrl=''
let g:VizardryBitbucketInstanceUrl=''


  • Bitbucket does not allow to do any filters while searching for public repository, thus every github parameters (such as fork:true) but user:name and language:lang are ignored, when using Bitbucket grimoire. For the same reason, Bitbuckets queries does not respect g:VizardryNbScryResults.
  • Gitlab API is even worse, neither user nor ̀language or any other github search options works.


Vizardry Magic is a simple way to handle plugin specific configurations files, these files will be Banished, Unbanished and Vanished with the bundle they belong to.

Magic Configuration

By default, these files are stored in bunde/vizardry/plugin/magic, this path ensure that removing Vizardry will remove the magic files. As it is not always a good idea to keep modified files in a subdirectory of an existing bundle, this pas can be modified (and must be modified for submodule mode Submodules). A good idea can be to keep them in ~/.vim/plugin/magic:

let g:VizardryMagicDir='~/.vim/plugin/magic'

Magic Commands

:Magic <bundle> <command>

Adds <command> to <bundle> magic file and execute it.


:Magicedit <bundle>

Edits magic file for <bundle>.


:Magicsplit <bundle>

Edits magic file for <bundle>, spliting the current window.


:Magicvsplit <bundle>

Edits magic file for <bundle>, vspliting the current window.


:MagicCommit <file>

For submodule (see Submodules) mode only: Commit the changes to the given magic file.

Does nothing in clone mode

Get involved

Spread the word

If you like Vizardry and you are also a vimscript developper, an easy way to spread the word is to add a Vizardry install section to your plugins README for instance:

If you have installed Vizardry just run the following from vim:

:Invoke -u <your_username> <your_plugin_name>

Write Grimoires

Currently only github and bitbucket are available, but it is very easy to add a new Grimoire, see issue#3 and :help Vizardry-Dev-grimoires.

Develop inside Vizardry

If you like Vizardry and want to help, you can look add vizardry/todo.txt see what I improvement I'm planning to add to Vizardry. If you are going to modify Vizardry code, please take a look at |Vizardry-Dev| before writing any code. Feel free to open pull requests when you are done :).


A vim plugin manager for lazy people



AGPL-3.0, AGPL-3.0 licenses found

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