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lymp is a library allowing you to use Python functions and objects from OCaml. It gives access to the rich ecosystem of libraries in Python. You might want to use selenium, scipy, lxml, requests, tensorflow or matplotlib.

You can also very easily write OCaml wrappers for Python libraries or your own modules.

Python 2 and 3 compatible. Thread safe.

Installation and compilation

opam install lymp

Python's pymongo package is required (for it's bson subpackage), opam and the Makefile try to install it using pip and pip3, so you should not have to install it manually. If $ python3 -c "import pymongo" fails, you need to install pymongo, maybe using sudo on pip or pip3.

To make sure everything is fine, you may want to compile the simple example, like so for example : ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs lymp -tag thread simple.native && ./simple.native

When compiling a project using lymp, you need to link the thread library. For example, when using ocamlbuild, set a tag : -tag thread.

If you have trouble building the package, please contact me.

Simple example

$ ls

def get_message():
	return u"hi there"

def get_integer():
	return 42

def sum(a, b):
	return a + b

open Lymp

(* change "python3" to the name of your interpreter *)
let interpreter = "python3"
let py = init ~exec:interpreter "."
let simple = get_module py "simple"

let () =
	(* msg = simple.get_message() *)
	let msg = get_string simple "get_message" [] in
	let integer = get_int simple "get_integer" [] in
	let addition = get_int simple "sum" [Pyint 12 ; Pyint 10] in
	let strconcat = get_string simple "sum" [Pystr "first " ; Pystr "second"] in
	Printf.printf "%s\n%d\n%d\n%s\n" msg integer addition strconcat ;

	close py
$ ./simple.native
hi there
first second

Useful example

This example shows how you can use selenium and lxml to download a webpage (with content loaded via Javascript thanks to PhantomJS), and then parse it and manipulate the DOM. You would need lxml, cssselect, selenium, nodeJS and phantomJS (through npm for example) to run this example.

import lxml.html as lx
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
driver.set_window_size(1024, 768)

def download(url):
	return driver.page_source

def select(html, css_selector):
	doc = lx.fromstring(html)
	return doc.cssselect(css_selector)

(* downloads a webpage using phantomjs, saves a screenshot of it to screen.png,
   selects links out of the page, and prints the links' titles *)

open Lymp

let py = init "."
let phantom = get_module py "phantom"

let download_with_phantom url =
	get_string phantom "download" [Pystr url]

let select html css_selector =
	get_list phantom "select" [Pystr html ; Pystr css_selector]

let get_lxml_text (Pyref lxml_elt) =
	(* calling method text_content() of lxml element *)
	let text = get lxml_elt "text_content" [] in
	(* text is a custom lxml type, we convert it to str *)
	get_string (builtins py) "str" [text]

let () =
	let url = "" in
	let page_content = download_with_phantom url in
	let links = select page_content "a" in
	let titles = get_lxml_text links in
	List.iter print_endline titles ;

	close py

You don't really need the python script to do that, you could write it completely in OCaml using lymp, getting and manipulating the driver object directly using a reference.


type pyobj =
    Pystr of string
    | Pyint of int
    | Pyfloat of float
    | Pybool of bool
    | Pybytes of bytes
    | Pyref of pycallable
    | Pytuple of pyobj list
    | Pylist of pyobj list
    | Pynone
    | Namedarg of (string * pyobj)

Main type representing python values, which are passed as arguments of functions and returned from functions. Pyref allows us to use python objects, we explain that later on.

Namedarg represents a named argument, which you can use like so :

get builtin "open" [Pystr "input.txt" ; Namedarg ("encoding", Pystr "utf-8")]


init spawns a Python process and gets it ready. A pycommunication is returned, which you can then use to make modules. get_module can be thought of as an import statement in Python. You can then call the functions or get the attributes of the module, using the get* and attr* functions.

val init : ?exec:string -> ?ocamlfind:bool -> ?lymppy_dirpath:string -> string -> pycommunication
    1. exec : name of the python interpreter, or path to it. Default is python3 (python 2 and 3 are both supported)
    1. ocamlfind : lymp uses a python script,, which is in ocamlfind query lymp if you installed through opam or the Makefile. If you didn't install that way, set ocamlfind to false. Default is true
    1. lymppy_dirpath : if ocamlfind is set to false, will be assumed to be in lymppy_dirpath. Default is "."
    1. path from which python will be launched, which influences what modules are accessible. Example value : "../py_utils"

val get_module : pycommunication -> string -> pycallable
    1. a value returned by init
    1. name of the module you wish to use (can be something like "app.crypto.utils")

val builtins : pycommunication -> pycallable
    1. a value returned by init

Returns the module giving access to built-in functions and attributes, such as print(), str(), dir() etc.

val get : pycallable -> string -> pyobj list -> pyobj
    1. a module or a reference, from which you wish to call a function
    1. name of the function
    1. arguments of the function

Example : get time "sleep" [Pyint 2] (equivalent in python : time.sleep(2))

Sister functions : get_string, get_int, get_float, get_bool, get_bytes, get_tuple and get_list. They call get and try to do pattern matching over the result to return the desired type, they fail with a Wrong_Pytype if the result was not from the expected type. For example, get_string doesn't return a pyobj, but a string.

val call : pycallable -> string -> pyobj list -> unit

Calls get and dismisses the value returned

val attr : pycallable -> string -> pyobj
    1. a module or a reference, from which you wish to get an attribute
    1. name of the attribute

Example : attr sys "argv" (equivalent in python : sys.argv)

Sister functions : attr_string, attr_int, attr_float, attr_bool, attr_bytes, attr_tuple and attr_list. They call attr and try to do pattern matching over the result to return the desired type, they fail with a Wrong_Pytype if the result was not from the expected type.

val set_attr : pycallable -> string -> pyobj -> unit
    1. a module or a reference, to which you wish to set an attribute
    1. name of the attribute
    1. value to set the attribute to

Example : set_attr sys "stdout" (Pyint 42) (equivalent in python : sys.stdout = 42)

val close : pycommunication -> unit
    1. a value returned by init

Exit properly, it's important to call it.


To be able to use python objects of non supported-types (anything outside of int, str etc.), we have references.

A Pyreference is of type pycallable, which allows us to call get and attr on it. When passed as arguments or returned from functions, they are passed as Pyref, of type pyobj.

References passed as arguments are resolved on the python side, which means that if you call a function with a reference as argument, on the python side the actual object will be passed.

Another use case for references (other than unsupported types) is for very big strings, bytes or lists, which you may not wish to send back and forth between OCaml and Python if you need to further process them in python. Passing is relatively cheap, but you may want to avoid it.

Objects referenced are garbage collected when you no longer need them.

val get_ref : pycallable -> string -> pyobj list -> pycallable

Calls get and forces the result to be a reference, so the actual data is not sent back to OCaml, but remains on the Python side. To be used for unsupported types and big strings, bytes and lists if you need to further process them in python. What we call "big string" is a whole webpage for example (but as shown in the "Useful example", it's perfectly fine to pass the string directly back and forth).

val attr_ref : pycallable -> string -> pycallable

Calls attr and forces the result to be a reference.

val dereference : pycallable -> pyobj

If the value's type is supported, it will be returned, otherwise a reference to it is returned.

Example usage of a reference :

let file = get_ref builtin "open" [Pystr "input_file.txt"] in
call builtin "print" [Pyref file] ;
let content = get_string file "read" [] in
print_endline content

You can find a more in-depth example in examples/


  • In Python 2, Pystr are converted to unicode, assuming that the string is utf-8 encoded, and Pybytes to str
  • If there is a fatal exception, the python process continues as normal, but a Pyexception is raised on the OCaml side.
  • Python's stdout is a file named python_log, you will find the output and uncatched exceptions' traceback there.
  • Python's ints are converted to OCaml ints, overflow and underflow are therefore possible. Same goes for float.


lymp currently uses named pipes to make OCaml and Python processes communicate. BSON is used to serialize data passed. Performance is very good for almost all use cases. On my setup (virtual machine and relatively low specs), the overhead associated with a function call is roughly 25 μs. You can launch the benchmark to see what the overhead is on yours. Performance could be improved by using other IPC methods, such as shared memory.

"lymp" ?

"pyml" was already taken, and so were "ocpy" and "pyoc", so I figured I would just mix letters.


If it matters to you, better support for Python exceptions could be implemented (currently, a Pyexception is raised). Also, better performance would be pretty easy to get. Support for dicts could be added. We could also add the option to log Python's stdout to OCaml's stdout (there would be some drawbacks but it might be worth it). You are welcome to make pull requests and suggestions.


Use Python functions and objects from OCaml








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Contributors 3
