Library for downloading files from Ubuntu One (cross platform) but written for OSX as ubuntu one has no native support.
Currently only supports downloading/updating.
Check it out of the github account:
git clone
cd ubuntuone-python
virtualenv .
./bin python install
If you just want to sync you can run the file
./bin/python --username=username@bla --password=asdf
Once you have logged in once, you do not need to supply your username and password again.
Brief library usage instructions are:
On the python command line you can log in and then iterate over directory tree at given starting point (this example will download music purchased at the ubuntu one music store):
data = acquire_token('username@bla', 'password' )
consumer, token = make_tokens(data)
fetch_children(consumer, token, '/~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One')
Copyright Tauri-Tec Ltd.
Licensed under the BSD license.