A simple demo application for those who learn best from simple, working sample code and want to see a sampling of Kohana features in action.
- Reverse Routing
- Templating with Kostache
- Basic Auth, including the ability to manage users. A user has the 'login' role by default and can optionally be assigned the 'admin' role
- Form validation, displaying default error messages for the following cases:
- album name and artist not empty (values are now being trimmed before validation so name => ' ' will now fail)
- album name and artist limited to 80 chars
- album name must be unique for a given artist
- (just using built-in validation for user authentication)
- Custom application error messages
- ORM with MySQL database
- Email notification using Swiftmailer (this requires an email server, but if you don't have one, it's OK -- the application won't break)
- Fetching of album information from LastFM.com (cached using Fragment) (now AJAX-ified)
- Album listing as XML via uri: album/listxml
- Filtering, sorting and pagination performed server-side.
###Installing Files Using Git (Recommended)
- create a directory
- open a git bash there
$ git clone git://github.com/ddrake/kohana_demo.git .
$ git fetch
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
It's a good idea to watch for errors during this step. I've occasionally seen 'fatal: unable to connect a socket (Invalid Argument). If you see something like that, I'd just blow away the directory and start over.
For more information on Git, see the Kohana Git Tutorial
###Installing Files Without Git
- Download Kohana v3.1.2
- Install Kohana v3.1.2
- Install the KOstache v2.0.4 module into modules/kostache/
- Delete controller/welcome.php if so desired
- Copy the files in the application directory of this project into 'application'.
- Copy the files in the assets directory of this project into 'assets'.
- Copy the Kostache files from here to modules/kostache
- Copy the Mustche files from here to modules/kostache/vendor/mustache
- Make sure the application/cache and application/logs directories have write access.
- Rename the example.htaccess included with this application to .htaccess and edit the RewriteBase to match your installation directory. For more information see here
- Leave the line
SetEnv KOHANA_ENV development
as is for now. Later you can change it to production to use the custom error handler. - Rename application/example.bootstrap.php to bootstrap.php and set base_url to match your installation directory.
- Check that the following modules are enabled in bootstrap.php: auth, orm, database, kostache, email
- Rename application/config/example.auth.php to auth.php and edit it, setting the hash_key to a random string of your choice.
- Create a mysql database
- Rename the application/config/example.database.php to database.php and edit the 'default' section to match the hostname, database and username for the mysql database you created
- Execute the schema in initial_schema.sql in your mysql datase.
- If you want to enable album information from LastFM.com,
- Sign up for a free api key at Last.fm Web Services,
- rename the application/config/example.lastfm.php to lastfm.php and
- edit that file to set the api_key.
- If you're installing to a live server and want to test email notification about a primary user being deleted or having their password changed,
- enable the email module by un-commenting the line in application/bootstrap.php,
- rename aplication/config/example.email.php to email.php and
- edit that file to set the 'to' and 'from' email addresses.
You should be good to go. The default admin login is:
- username: administrator
- password: admin12345
but you can add a new administrator and delete that one if you like.
If you're working in a Windows (WAMP Server) environment, you may also find these useful:
For a much more elaborate example of the capabilities of the Auth module and loads of other useful information, I would recommend
I've borrowed heavily from several sources, including the Kohana site itself and the Unofficial Kohana 3 Wiki site but one other source should probably be mentioned:
Kohana: The Swift PHP Framework This was a Kohana 2 tutorial and its code bears almost no resemblance to that of this project, but I borrowed its simple schema and button images.