In this task you will be working on a todo application made using NextJS a SSR framework for ReactJS. The main motive of this task is to make you familiar with:
- Data Fetching and Rendering
- Component Creation
- Custom Events
- Class Binding
- State Management
- Hooks in ReactJS
Follow the following steps to setup this project.
Note - This task requires yarn which is a tool similar to npm that you encountered in last task.
First of all, click on the top-right corner of this repository to fork it.
Then, clone your forked repository using this command:
git clone
Change your current directory to the repo's root.
cd csoc-2021-task-3-reactjs
Install the dependencies using
yarn install
Then you can finally run the server using this command.
yarn dev
Then you can go to localhost:3000
in your browser.
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
There are three pages in this site.
- This is the main page where the user can create, edit or delete the tasks./login
- This is the login page./register
- This is the register page.
We have also created a backend server containing the API endpoints required for this application to function completely -
You are already familiar with API from last task if not find more details at Task-2-Web
You would notice that the application is not functional completely. So, your task is to make it completely functional. There are several todos mentioned in the component files. You have to complete those.
In particular you have to
Auth middleware - You may notice that initially you are landed on the main page even when you are not logged in. That is wrong. In auth_required.js and no_auth_required.js you have to add the logic for redirection based on he/she/them is authenticated or not.
Login Function - Currently only register function works. You have to complete the LoginForm function too present in Login.
Get Tasks function - There is a function
in index.js. You would notice that even after logging in, you see a task Sample Task 1. This task was not created by you. This is a dummy task. You have to complete thegetTasks
function such that the tasks listed are the ones created by the user. -
Add Task - This functionality is present in AddTask.js which you have to complete by making API call and finally adding element to DOM.
Delete Task function - This functions is present in the TodoListItem.js file. You have to complete it.
Update Task - This functions is present in the TodoListItem.js file. To complete this you have to add in functionality
function which will render the dom for editing the list item. Finally complete theupdateTask
Here is the breakdown of the points related to each task.
Task | Points |
Auth Middleware | 10 |
Login Function | 15 |
Add task | 25 |
Get tasks | 30 |
Update Task | 40 |
Delete Task | 20 |
UI Improvement | 10 |
Total | 150 |
Judging would be done on the basis of your implementation and authenticity.
You'll have a week to complete this task. Hence, the deadline of this task is 28th June, 2021 i.e. till the end of this month.
- Follow the instructions to setup this project.
- Complete the task by making the required changes in the files.
- This time, you do not need to put your files in a separate folder.
- When done, commit your work locally and push it to your origin (forked repository).
- Make a pull request to our repository, stating the tasks which you have completed.
- Let us review your pull request.