Engine Based Drag&Drop GUI for awesome_nested_set gem. Rails >= 3.1
School teacher came to help! TaDa! ;)
Drag&Drop sortable tree
Simple nested sets (min option)
sortable_tree - recursive helper-method for render sortable awesome_nested_set tree.
sortable_tree uses partials for rendering, that's why it is so easy to customize!
- Drag&Drop sortable tree
- Simple nested sets (min option)
- Nested sets with expand/collapse animation (expand option) [under development]
- Nested comments (comments option) [under development]
Take files from the gem and put it in your rails 2 application.
View helper and view files does not depend on the version of rails.
Copy and Paste rebuild function from TheSortableTreeController.
Perhaps, you may have to slightly change the function of the controller.
1.8.6 - fixed CamelCase names definition (by andisthejackass)
1.8.5 - helper can rendering a part tree
1.8.0 - stable release
- Development env
- 584 elements
- 3 levels deep
Rendered by 50 sec.
I think it is good result for rendering by partials.
Can you makes it faster? Welcome!
So, ERB and SLIM fans want to make gem independent of HAML.
Ok, let it be. But you will convert view partials youself. It's my revenge ;)
Read project wiki for looking ERB partials
By default I'm use HAML, and now you should define it manually in your Gemfile.
gem 'haml'
gem 'awesome_nested_set' # gem 'nested_set'
gem 'the_sortable_tree'
- gem 'nested_set' or gem 'awesome_nested_set'
- gem 'haml'
- JQuery UI
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui
//= require jquery_ujs
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
include TheSortableTree::Scopes
# any code here
class PagesController < ApplicationController
include TheSortableTreeController::Rebuild
# any code here
or (for reversed tree)
class PagesController < ApplicationController
include TheSortableTreeController::ReversedRebuild
# any code here
resources :pages do
collection do
get :manage
post :rebuild
manage action or any else action for show sortable tree
rebuild action is required action for correctly work of the_sortable_tree
class PagesController < ApplicationController
include TheSortableTreeController::Rebuild
def manage
@pages = Page.nested_set.all
# any code here
class PagesController < ApplicationController
include TheSortableTreeController::ReversedRebuild
def manage
@pages = Page.reversed_nested_set.all
# any code here
- content_for :css do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree', :media => :screen
- content_for :js do
= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.ui.nestedSortable'
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :max_levels => 4
or (without administrator controls and drag&drop)
- content_for :css do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree_min', :media => :screen
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'the_sortable_tree_min'
Use sortable_tree as view helper for simple rendering of nested_set tree
rails g the_sortable_tree:views pages min
It's will generate minimal set of view partials for sortable_tree helper
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_children.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_node.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_link.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_tree.html.haml
Just use it or Customize and use it!
- content_for :css do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree_min', :media => :screen
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'pages/the_sortable_tree_min'
rails g the_sortable_tree:views pages
It's will generate view partials for sortable_tree helper
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_controls.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_node.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_init_sortable_tree.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_on_update_tree.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_rebuild_ajax.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_link.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_children.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_new.html.haml
create app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_tree.html.haml
Customize and use it!
- content_for :css do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree', :media => :screen
- content_for :js do
= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.ui.nestedSortable'
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'pages/the_sortable_tree', :max_levels => 2
@root = Page.root
@pages = @root.descendants.nested_set.all
= @root.inspect
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path
id - id field (:id => :friendly_id etc. :id by default)
title - title field of node (:title => :name etc. :title by default)
path - path to custom view partials (:path => 'pages/the_sortable_tree')
max_levels - how many draggable levels can be? (3 by default). Can't be 0 (zero) and negative
namespace - namespace for admin sections for example. (:namespace => :admin, :namespace => nil by default)
opts[:level] - view helper define level of recursion for each node. You can call opts[:level] into view partials
_tree - root container for nested set elements
_node - element of tree (link to current node and nested set of children)
_link - decoration of link to current element of tree
_children - decoration of children
_new - create new element link
_controls - control elements for current node
_js_init_sortable_tree - JS for sortable tree
_js_on_update_tree- JS for sortable tree
_js_rebuild_ajax- JS for sortable tree