This course was prepared for the Nanohacker community. Thanks to Thoughtworks for hosting our sessions!
$ git clone
$ cd nano-deep-learning
If you have python 2.7
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
If you have python 3
$ python -m http.server
It requires proficiency in a programming language, say Ruby or Javascript. Also, it assumes knowledge of basic git commands and github. We'll cover some computer science topics like trees, functional programming using Python, and classes in Python.
- Experience with programming
- Full stack web development
Math Cheatsheet
- Math concepts: matrix, functions, basic stats
- Programming with Python: images, plotting functions
- Intro to deep learning concepts
- Neural Networks: NN, CNN, RNN
- Overview of popular APIs
- tensorflow, keras, pytorch
- Deep Learning with Javascript
- ml5.js, magenta.js, tensorflow.js
I decided not to recreate slides that have been wonderfully created by other free online course and also reuse much of the available online material on the net.
- Deep Learning:
- Tensorflow:
Session #1: Matrix and Convolutions
- Math: Matrix
- Image filters
- Python installation, running
Session #2: Functions and Plotting
- Jupyter notebooks and ipython
- Python: lambdas, map, numpy
- Plotting a function using matplotlib
- Irish music generation using Deep Learning
- Scrapping ABC Music files
- Math: Slope of a function
- Normal distribution
- Image classifiers: MNIST, CIFAR, ml5.js
- ml5.js
- Binary tree and tree recursion
- Tensorflow as a computational graph
- Andrej Karpathy's RNN
- Magenta.js: Drum RNN
- Rasa, chatbot AI
- Tensorflow.js, api and demos
- Big picture of Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Problems
- Model Zoo
- Neural Networks