qt5integration is the Qt platform theme integration plugins for Deepin Desktop Environment. It includes multiple Qt5 plugins to make make DDE more Qt5 Apps friendly.
- qmake (>= 5.3)
- gtk+-2.0
- mtdev
- dtk
- libqtxdg
- Qt5 (>= 5.3)
- Qt5-Core
- Qt5-Gui
- Qt5-Widgets
- Qt5-DBus
- Qt5-Multimedia
- Qt5-MultimediaWidgets
- Qt5-Svg
- Qt5-OpenGL
- Qt5-X11extras
- Qt5-Core-Private
- Qt5-Widgets-Private
- DDE File Manager (suggestion, to make Qt5 file dialogs more elegant)
Make sure you have installed all dependencies.
$ cd qt5integration
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ qmake ..
$ make
- Install:
$ sudo make install
To be done.
You may also find these channels useful if you encounter any other issues:
qt5integration is licensed under GPLv3.