web component to use kilo player on your web apps.
1.Add the component
Simply paste the following code to your html page
<script src="http://kilo-app.com/polymer/bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="http://kilo-app.com/polymer/kilo-player/elements/kilo-player.html">
<kilo-player src="{{SRC}}" width="{{WIDTH}}" height="{{HEIGHT}}"></kilo-player>
2.Adjust the component
Go to http://public.kilo-app.com and select the clip you want to use. On the player page you can click on the embed to get the iframe based embed code.
replace {{SRC}} by the latest segment of the url ex.90cf4bf0977af95dfa7362a4162de7c0 this is the id of the clip you want to embed. replace {{WIDTH}} by the max-width value in pixels ex.480px replace {{HEIGHT}} by the padding-bottom ex.133.33333333333331%
This following line
<kilo-player src="{{SRC}}" width="{{WIDTH}}" height="{{HEIGHT}}"></kilo-player>
should now look like this
<kilo-player src="90cf4bf0977af95dfa7362a4162de7c0" width="480px" height="133.33333333333331%"></kilo-player>