This list is designed to provide resources to help with computational experiments, publication of code and results, as well as the research process itself.
- How to write a paper
- Keep your experiments separate
- Research Taste Exercises
- The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
- What Makes a Good Reseach Proposal?
- ArXiv Sanity Preserver - Browse, search, and filter arXiv.
- Citation Tree - Explore papers, including temporal dimension.
- Connected Papers - Interactively explore the citation graph of scietific literature.
- CindyJS - Mathematical visualization with WebGL.
- Sacred - Organize, log, and reproduce computational experiments.
- ArXiv Style - LaTex template for arXiv submissions.
- Gemini - LaTex theme for scientific posters.
- Metropolis - LaTeX template for slides.
- BibTeX Tidy - A tool for tidying BibTeX files.
- Tips for Publishing Research Code - Collated best practices from most popular ML research repositories.
- Apache 2.0 - An often used permissive software license.
- CRAPL - The Community Research and Academic Programming License.
This list is inspired by awesome-mpc and awesome list.
Please feel free to do a pull request with any mechanism implementations, software and otherwise, as well as other resources you think should be on the list, after reading the contribution guidelines.