Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted.
- Oracle JDK7+
- Gradle 1.9+
To use the Watch plugin, include in your build script:
Example 1. Using the Watch plugin
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.bluepapa32:gradle-watch-plugin:0.1.3'
apply plugin: 'watch'
The Watch plugin adds the following tasks to the project.
Table 1. Watch plugin - tasks
Task name | Depends on | Type | Description |
watch | - | WatchTask | Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted. |
watch {
java {
files files('src/main/java')
tasks 'compileJava'
resources {
files fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources',
include: '**/*.properties')
tasks 'processResources'
hoge {
files files('foo/bar', 'foo/boo/hoo.txt')
tasks 'hogehoge', 'hugohugo'