This implementation extends the tensorflow's official implementation of the transformer model for neural machine translation. Provides way to perform distributed training using horovod library. Multi-head attention block used in the transformer architecture. At a high-level, the scaled dot-product attention can be thought as finding the relevant information, in the form of values (V) based on Query (Q) and Keys (K). Multi-head attention can be thought of as several attention layers in parallel, which together can identify distinct aspects of the input.
Clone the files to a lcoal directory or mounted directory in case of nauta.
# install required python libraries in case of bare metal
pip3 install --user -r official/requirements.txt
Note: Check the setup steps under official/ for more details.
Ensure that the tensorflow-models directory is appended to the PYTHONPATH correctly.
This can be done by updating the sys.path in
Using Nauta:
The training dataset used is the [WMT English-German] ( parallel corpus, which contains 4.5M English-German sentence pairs.
Train using 4 nodes and 4 processes each.
Export the required environment variables. This needs to be be udpated in templates values.yaml in case of nauta.
Set APP_DIR, DATA_DIR and MODEL_DIR paths accordingly.
mpiexec --hostfile $hostfile -cpus-per-proc 9 --map-by socket --oversubscribe -n 16 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS -x KMP_BLOCKTIME python ${APP_DIR}/official/transformer/ --data_dir=${DATA_DIR} --model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} --vocab_file=${DATA_DIR}/vocab.ende.32768 --param_set=big --steps_between_evals=1000 --train_steps=20000 --batch_size=5000 --intra_op=18 --inter_op=1 --num_parallel_calls=18 --learning_rate=0.001 --learning_rate_warmup_steps=1000 --max_length=256 --vocab_size=33945 --save_checkpoints_secs=3600 --log_step_count_steps=20 --lr_scheme=2 --warmup_init_lr=1e-07 --layer_postprocess_dropout=0.3
Using Nauta:
Update the paths to, data_dir, model_dir, vocab_file accordingly.
nctl experiment submit --name nmt-transformer-test -t multinode-tf-training-horovod /path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/ -- --data_dir=/mnt/output/home/data/nmt/nmt_data --model_dir=/mnt/output/experiment --vocab_file=/mnt/output/home/data/nmt/nmt_data/vocab.ende.32768 --param_set=big --steps_between_evals=100 --train_steps=100 --batch_size=5000 --intra_op=18 --inter_op=1 --num_parallel_calls=18 --learning_rate=0.001 --learning_rate_warmup_steps=1000 --max_length=256 --vocab_size=33945 --save_checkpoints_secs=3600 --log_step_count_steps=20 --lr_scheme=2 --warmup_init_lr=1e-07 --layer_postprocess_dropout=0.3
update paths accordingly.
python /path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/ --model_dir=/path/to/nmt-transformer-test --vocab_file=/path/to/data/nmt/nmt_data/vocab.ende.32768 --param_set=big --file=/path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/test_data/newstest2014.en --file_out=/path/to/translation.en
Using Nauta:
nctl experiment submit --name nmt-translate-single -t tf-training-tfjob /path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/ -- --model_dir=/mnt/output/home/nmt-transformer-test --vocab_file=/mnt/output/home/data/nmt/nmt_data/vocab.ende.32768 --param_set=big --file=/mnt/output/home/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/test_data/newstest2014.en --file_out=/mnt/output/experiment/translation.en
Evaluate the model by loading the reference and translation files and calculate BLEU scores.
Update paths to, reference and translation accordingly.
python /path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/
--reference=/path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/test_data/ --translation=/path/to/translation.en
Using Nauta:
Update paths to, reference and translation accordingly.
nctl experiment submit --name nmt-compute-bleu -t tf-training-tfjob /path/to/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/ -- --reference=/mnt/output/home/tensorflow-models/official/transformer/test_data/ --translation=/mnt/output/home/nmt-translate-single-1/translation.en
This repository contains a number of different models implemented in TensorFlow:
The official models are a collection of example models that use TensorFlow's high-level APIs. They are intended to be well-maintained, tested, and kept up to date with the latest stable TensorFlow API. They should also be reasonably optimized for fast performance while still being easy to read. We especially recommend newer TensorFlow users to start here.
The research models are a large collection of models implemented in TensorFlow by researchers. They are not officially supported or available in release branches; it is up to the individual researchers to maintain the models and/or provide support on issues and pull requests.
The samples folder contains code snippets and smaller models that demonstrate features of TensorFlow, including code presented in various blog posts.
The tutorials folder is a collection of models described in the TensorFlow tutorials.
If you want to contribute to models, be sure to review the contribution guidelines.