Implemented enhancements:
- feat(rust): support additional types for partition values #1170
Fixed bugs:
- File pruning does not occur on partition columns #1175
- Bug: Error loading Delta table locally #1157
- Deltalake 0.7.0 with s3 feature compliation error due to rusoto_dynamodb version conflict #1191
- Writing from a Delta table scan using WriteBuilder fails due to missing object store #1186
Merged pull requests:
- build(deps): bump datafusion #1217 (roeap)
- Implement pruning on partition columns #1179 (Blajda)
- feat: enable passing storage options to Delta table builder via Datafusion's CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE #1043 (gruuya)
- feat: typed commit info #1207 (roeap)
- add boolean, date, timestamp & binary partition types #1180 (marijncv)
- feat: extend configuration handling #1206 (marijncv)
- fix: load command for local tables #1205 (roeap)
- Enable passing Datafusion session state to WriteBuilder #1187 (gruuya)
- chore: increment dynamodb_lock version #1202 (wjones127)
- fix: update out-of-date doc about datafusion #1183 (xudong963)
- feat: move and update Optimize operation #1154 (roeap)
- add test for extract_partition_values #1159 (marijncv)
- fix typo #1166 (spebern)
- chore: remove star dependencies #1139 (wjones127)