EDN in Clojure should be paradise. But all too often it isn't.
Examples of frustrating behavior:
outputs invalid EDN when there are regexen in your data.- There is no
. - Defining new data readers is cumbersome and disconnected from defining the counterpart tagged encoding.
throw exceptions on unknown tags.
Paradise is different. In contrast, it...
- Defines all of the following to do what you'd expect:
- Allows easily defining custom data types that will round-trip through these
fns (without modifying how they normally print at the REPL via
). - Round-trips regexen like a champ (again assuming you're using its read & write fns).
- Just ignores unknown tags, placing the raw value in the returned data structure.
In your project dependencies, add:
[paradise "0.1.0"]
Then in your code:
(ns my.app
[paradise.edn :as edn]))
(def some-edn (edn/write-string {:regex #"itworks"}))
(def original-data (edn/read-string some-edn))
To allow custom data types to round-trip through EDN:
(ns my.app
[paradise.edn :as edn]))
(defrecord MyRecord [foo bar])
(defmethod edn-encode MyRecord [r] [:my/record (into {} r)])
(defmethod edn-read :my/record [[tag m]] (map->MyRecord m))
is a multi-method that dispatches on class
. Its purpose is to
prepare custom data types for EDN encoding by defining a tag and an EDN
representation to follow the tag. To define new methods, just specify a
form with the class you want to encode as the dispatch value, take
one arg (an instance of that class), and return a vector whose first element is
a namespaced keyword that will become the tag in the resulting EDN and whose
second element is the EDN-encodable value you want to follow the tag.
is a multi-method that dispatches on first
. Its purpose is to
associate reader fns with EDN tags so that they can be turned back into their
original values. To define new methods, just specify a defmethod
form with
the namespaced keyword representing the EDN tag as the dispatch value, take one
arg (a 2-element vector of [tag value]; feel encouraged to destructure that),
and return the EDN representation converted back into an instance of the
original class.
Copyright © 2017 Democracy Works, Inc.
Distributed under the Mozilla Public License either version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.