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EDN in Clojure should be paradise. But all too often it isn't.

Examples of frustrating behavior:

  • pr-str outputs invalid EDN when there are regexen in your data.
  • There is no clojure.edn/write nor clojure.edn/write-string.
  • Defining new data readers is cumbersome and disconnected from defining the counterpart tagged encoding.
  • clojure.edn/read & cloure.edn/read-string throw exceptions on unknown tags.

Paradise is different. In contrast, it...

  • Defines all of the following to do what you'd expect:
    • paradise.edn/read
    • paradise.edn/read-string
    • paradise.edn/write
    • paradise.edn/write-string
  • Allows easily defining custom data types that will round-trip through these fns (without modifying how they normally print at the REPL via print-method).
  • Round-trips regexen like a champ (again assuming you're using its read & write fns).
  • Just ignores unknown tags, placing the raw value in the returned data structure.


In your project dependencies, add:

[paradise "0.1.0"]

Then in your code:

   [paradise.edn :as edn]))
(def some-edn (edn/write-string {:regex #"itworks"}))

(def original-data (edn/read-string some-edn))

To allow custom data types to round-trip through EDN:

   [paradise.edn :as edn]))

(defrecord MyRecord [foo bar])

(defmethod edn-encode MyRecord [r] [:my/record (into {} r)])
(defmethod edn-read :my/record [[tag m]] (map->MyRecord m))

edn-encode is a multi-method that dispatches on class. Its purpose is to prepare custom data types for EDN encoding by defining a tag and an EDN representation to follow the tag. To define new methods, just specify a defmethod form with the class you want to encode as the dispatch value, take one arg (an instance of that class), and return a vector whose first element is a namespaced keyword that will become the tag in the resulting EDN and whose second element is the EDN-encodable value you want to follow the tag.

edn-read is a multi-method that dispatches on first. Its purpose is to associate reader fns with EDN tags so that they can be turned back into their original values. To define new methods, just specify a defmethod form with the namespaced keyword representing the EDN tag as the dispatch value, take one arg (a 2-element vector of [tag value]; feel encouraged to destructure that), and return the EDN representation converted back into an instance of the original class.


Copyright © 2017 Democracy Works, Inc.

Distributed under the Mozilla Public License either version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.


EDN in Clojure should be paradise







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