I built this following along Jamund Fergusons egghead.io course on redux hooks. It's a free community resource (thanks Jamund! that is very kind of you)
It's a simple currency exchange calculator built to demonstrate using redux with react hooks.
yarn start
using react-redux
yarn add react react-redux
create store, reducer and initial state
wrap app in Provider imported and pass the store to it (so store is available throughout the app)
- Provider uses react context api so every component has access to the store and its functions
used useSelector to access store data we needed
used useDispatch to get a dispatch fn to dispatch action objects for the reducer to handle
split store into multiple reducers (rates and user) and used combineReducers to combine
defined custom selector functions which can be passed to useSelector() to get data we want
defined action crator functions to simplify dispatch (common pattern)
add thunks:
yarn add redux-thunk
- thunks are the redux recommended middleware for ajax requests
- a thunk is a function which returns another function
- more: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-thunk
testing, created helper testing wrapper fn to wrap render and inject in the Provider (a recommended pattern for wrapping components with Providers)
selectors: the public api for accessing data in your store
useSelector reads a value from the store state and subscribes to updates
- useSelector takes a function and calls with state and allows you to return the part of state you want
- any time these values change the component is re-rendered
dispatch a function to send actions to the reducer
redux docs: https://react-redux.js.org/api/hooks redux style guide: https://redux.js.org/style-guide/style-guide
interesting reads
- "Thoughts on React Hooks, Redux, and Separation of Concerns" https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2019/07/blogged-answers-thoughts-on-hooks/
- "Hooks, HOCs, and Tradeoffs" - https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2019/09/presentation-hooks-hocs-tradeoffs/