Unofficial Tenda11N Router API for Python. Tested only on Tenda11N Sys Ver: V5.07.46_en.
- Tracking of Network bandwith usage
- Get/Set of bandwith rules
- Reboot router
from tenda11n import tenda11n_api
# Tenda11N API init
# This API uses as default router ip, you can change it by Tenda11N("192.168.X.X")
api = tenda11n_api.Tenda11N("")
if not api.login("admin", "pass1234"):
print("Failed to login to router page")
# Get current network stats
networkStats = api.networkUsageStats()
# Print
for connection in networkStats:
print("[{0}]{1}".format(connection, networkStats[connection]))
Note: Do not forget to add tenda11n_api. or as whatever you named the module in front of the functions before you call them.
Function(args) | Arg description | Function Description | Return value |
login(user,pw) | Your router login,password. | Logins to router, you have to call this function after first init. | returns False on fail otherwise True |
networkUsageStats() | - | Gets network usage stats about every connected device. | returns a dict with every ip as key. Returns empty dict on fail. |
getBandwithCtrl_List() | - | Gets bandwith control rules/list. | Returns a array of rules. |
setBandwithCtrl_List(bandwithCtrl_flag, ctrl_list) | flag is 1 or 0(1 to enable bandwith control), for second arg you can use the return value from the function above as reference. | Sets Bandwith control rules/list. (Get the list first and use it as reference) | Returns a array of new rules. |
reboot() | - | Reboots the router. | Returns nothing. |