GitHub Action for deploying API servers on AWS Lambda using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model). This action provides a simple way to deploy your API server with AWS Lambda. Based on AWS SAM, it supports CloudFront integration and custom domain configuration with minimal setup.
- name: Configure AWS credentials 🔑
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@main
role-to-assume: ${{ vars.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
aws-region: ${{ vars.AWS_REGION }}
- uses: deploy-actions/lambda-api@v1
Name: my-api
CodeUri: ./dist
Handler: index.handler
Environment: |
STAGE: production
Name | Description | Mandatory |
Name | AWS::Serverless::Function FunctionName and Cloudformation LambdaAPI-{Name} |
✅ |
SAMSourceBucket | AWS S3 bucket where artifacts referenced in the template are uploaded | |
SAMToken | GitHub Authentication token for API calls | |
Architectures | Lambda function architecture (x86_64, arm64) | |
AutoPublishAliasAllProperties | Properties for auto-publishing new versions | |
CodeUri | Path to your Lambda function code | |
Description | Description of your Lambda function | |
Environment | Environment variables for your Lambda function | |
EphemeralStorage | Size of the /tmp directory | |
Cors | CORS configuration for Lambda URL | |
InvokeMode | Lambda URL invoke mode (BUFFERED or RESPONSE_STREAM) | |
Handler | Lambda function handler | |
ImageConfig | Container image configuration | |
ImageUri | URI of container image | |
InlineCode | Inline function code | |
KmsKeyArn | KMS key ARN for Lambda function | |
Layers | List of Lambda Layer versions | |
LoggingConfig | Lambda function logging configuration | |
MemorySize | Memory size in MB | |
Policies | IAM policies for Lambda function | |
ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig | Provisioned concurrency configuration | |
ReservedConcurrentExecutions | Reserved concurrent executions | |
Runtime | Lambda function runtime | |
RuntimeManagementConfig | Runtime management configuration | |
Timeout | Function timeout in seconds | |
VersionDescription | Description for this version | |
VpcConfig | VPC configuration | |
Aliases | CloudFront distribution aliases (domain names). Required with AcmCertificateArn and HostedZoneId | |
AcmCertificateArn | ACM certificate ARN for custom domain. Required with Aliases and HostedZoneId | |
HostedZoneId | Route 53 hosted zone ID. Required with Aliases and AcmCertificateArn |
Name | Description | Optional |
DomainName | The domain name of the resource, such as |