feature branches branched fromdevelopment
to PR back todevelopment
once completebugfux/b-###
bugfix branches branched fromdevelopment
to PR back todevelopment
once completedevelopment
used as development branch PRs from featurefeat/
or bugfixbugfix/
branches targetdevelopment
branch holds up to date versions of code from production- release branches PRs from
to release branchesrelease/VERSION_TAG
target deployment to these branches:env_test
refer to semver
- update MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
- update MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner and merge changes from
- update PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes and merge changes from
all PRs to
automatically add version tags todevelopment
using semver based on their type of change using development-merge-semver-tag workflowfeat/*
or features with non-breaking changes that are not bug fixes increment MINOR in semver vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH i.e.v1.0.1
would be incremented tov1.1.0
in MINOR from a featurebugfix/*
or bugfix branches increment PATCH version i.e.v1.0.0
- features with breaking changes increment MAJOR VERSION i.e.
once the team is ready to release from
into an environment automation can release into temporary release branches that push changes up toenv_*
branches for deployment -
the development-release-to-env workflow for this is manually triggered
when manually triggered the user enters the version number to indicate what should be released i.e.
in github settings → actions: Choose whether GitHub Actions can create pull requests or submit approving pull request reviews.
- Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests → allow ✅
- generate github release pages in the UI based on versions pushed into environments (through automation workflows)
- add tag automation for breaking changes MAJOR