A stock tracker web app for a record store. The user is available to add artists and albums, delete and edit the stock. It also displays buy/sell prices, markup and has a colour-coded stock level meter.
- Create albums with the quantity that are in stock
- Create artists
- Show an inventory page listing albums and artists
- Show a stock level for the inventory items e.g. High/Medium/Low
- Add a buy and sell price to each stock item
- Calculate the possible markup on items and show on inventory page
- Add a genre to an Album
- Any other ideas you might come up with
Pull the files from Github for personal use, and install prerequisites.
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- Sinatra
- Browser for HTML/CSS
- In the main directory, use
psql-d record_shop -f db/record_shop.sql
to create the database - Seed the database by using the seeds.rb file
ruby db/seeds.rb
- Start the Sinatra server with record_shop_controller.rb
ruby record_shop_controller.rb
- Navigate to localhost:4567/ in your browser to start the app.
Ruby, PostgreSQL, Sinatra, HTML and CSS
Krisztian Der
Tutors at CodeClan and classmates in Cohort 17.