This is a Jenkins plug-in that allows you to save the console log to a file in the build's workspace for further processing.
One of its uses is to allow post-processing tools such as log analyzers that only reads files to do its work.
It is available as a build-step and as a post-build action.
The plugin is not yet in the Jenkins plugin store. Download the .hpi file from the release archive and add it to your Jenkins server manually.
To use it in declarative pipeline:
steps {
step([$class: 'ConsoleLogToWorkspaceBuildStep', fileName: './consoleLog.txt', writeConsoleLog: true, blockOnAllOutput: true])
To build the plugin, install maven and jdk (java-development-kit) and run:
mvn package
mvn install
The built plugin-binary becomes available as target/console-log-to-workspace.hpi
This plugin is based on the work of (forked from) Clark Boylan's "Jenkins Console Log To Workspace Plugin". His version is no longer maintained and this version strive at being the "official" version from now on (August, 2017).