You've been given a design for the homepage of a new website! Using Bootstrap as a front-end framework replicate the design.
- Develop the homepage using the design mock and content provided.
- Your ability to recreate the design using an existing stylesheets
- Leverage whats available in Bootstrap to execute
- Usage of styles
- Your ability to follow instruction and attention to detail
This project has has been setup to start developing. It assumes you have a working knowledge of node and npm.
Fork the repository and download it locally to your machine. If you don't have node already installed, either use homebrew for a mac or use the NodeJs website.
In your terminal session and run this in the command line. This will start the server and queue up Sass to compile all of your CSS rules down into one CSS file, every-time you make a change:
npm start
Once you completed the work fork the repository and share the link with us in an email.