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Robot CPP

master Windows macOS

This library is inspired by older unmaintained libraries like octalmage/robotjs and Robot/robot-js. The goal is to provide cross-platform controls for various devices such as keyboard, mouse, and screen for C++ applications.

Supported system:

  • MacOS
  • Windows

In case of Linux, please, create issue and leave a star and I will implement support. Right now I want to focus on port to Node.js using Node-API.

What can you do with it?

  • Move mouse and simulate clicks
  • Simulate keyboard presses and releases as well as easily program more advanced interactions (for example TypeHumanLike)
  • Capture selected part of the screen and save it as PNG
  • Record and replay mouse and keyboard events

There are some limitations but I would be more than happy to fix them and implement additional features. Feel free to create issue I will make the PR. 👀


Add this library as submodule:

$ git submodule add externals/robot-cpp 

Load modules dependencies:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Update your CMake:

target_link_libraries(<your_target> PRIVATE RobotCPP)



Point is a structure that represents a 2D point with integer coordinates (x, y). It also provides a method to calculate the distance between two points.


  • int x; The x-coordinate of the point.

  • int y; The y-coordinate of the point.


  • double Distance(Point target) const; Calculates and returns the Euclidean distance between the current point and the specified target point.

Example Usage

#include "robot.h"

int main() {
  Robot::Point p1{100, 200};
  Robot::Point p2{300, 400};
  double distance = p1.Distance(p2);
  std::cout << "Distance between p1 and p2: " << distance << std::endl;

Mouse Class

The Mouse class provides a static interface for controlling the mouse cursor, simulating mouse clicks, and scrolling.

Public Methods

  • static void Move(Robot::Point point); Moves the mouse cursor to the specified point (x, y).

  • static void MoveSmooth(Robot::Point point, double speed = 1500); Moves the mouse cursor smoothly to the specified point (x, y) at the given speed.

  • static void Drag(Robot::Point point, double speed = 1500); Drags the mouse cursor to the specified point (x, y) at the given speed.

  • static Robot::Point GetPosition(); Returns the current position of the mouse cursor as a Robot::Point.

  • static void ToggleButton(bool down, MouseButton button, bool doubleClick = false); Presses or releases the specified mouse button depending on the down argument. If doubleClick is set to true, it will perform a double click.

  • static void Click(MouseButton button); Simulates a single click using the specified mouse button.

  • static void DoubleClick(MouseButton button); Simulates a double click using the specified mouse button.

  • static void ScrollBy(int y, int x = 0); Scrolls the mouse wheel by the specified x and y distances.

Example Usage

#include "robot.h"

int main() {
  Robot::Mouse::MoveSmooth({100, 200});

Keyboard Class

The Keyboard class provides a static interface for simulating keyboard key presses, releases, and typing.

Public Methods

  • static void Type(const std::string& query); Types the given text as a string.

  • static void TypeHumanLike(const std::string& query); Types the given text as a string with a human-like typing speed.

  • static void Click(char asciiChar); Simulates a key press and release for the specified ASCII character.

  • static void Click(SpecialKey specialKey); Simulates a key press and release for the specified special key.

  • static void Press(char asciiChar); Simulates a key press for the specified ASCII character.

  • static void Press(SpecialKey specialKey); Simulates a key press for the specified special key.

  • static void Release(char asciiChar); Simulates a key release for the specified ASCII character.

  • static void Release(SpecialKey specialKey); Simulates a key release for the specified special key.

Example Usage

#include "robot.h"

int main() {
  // Note that this will type the text in lower case and likely without special characters like !@#$%^&*()
  Robot::Keyboard::TypeHumanLike("Hello, World");

Screen Class

The Screen class provides functionality to capture the screen, get pixel colors, and save the captured screen as a PNG image.

Public Methods

  • Pixel GetPixelColor(int x, int y); Returns the color of the pixel at the specified (x, y) coordinates as a Pixel structure.

  • DisplaySize GetScreenSize(); Returns the size of the screen as a DisplaySize structure containing the width and height.

  • void Capture(int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1); Captures a rectangular area of the screen defined by the specified (x, y) coordinates and dimensions (width, height).

  • std::vector<Pixel> GetPixels() const; Returns a vector of Pixel structures representing the captured screen.

  • void SaveAsPNG(const std::string &filename); Saves the captured screen as a PNG image with the specified filename.



DisplaySize is a structure that represents the size of a display with integer dimensions (width, height).

  • int width; The width of the display.

  • int height; The height of the display.


Pixel is a structure that represents the color of a pixel with unsigned char values for red, green, and blue channels.

  • unsigned char r; The red channel value of the pixel.

  • unsigned char g; The green channel value of the pixel.

  • unsigned char b; The blue channel value of the pixel.

Example Usage

#include "robot.h"

int main() {
  Robot::Screen screen;
  screen.Capture(0, 0, 800, 600);
  Robot::Pixel pixel = screen.GetPixelColor(100, 200);

Record and Replay Keyboard and Mouse Actions

Note: It seems that recorded mouse position is slightly shifted on Windows.

The ActionRecorder and EventHook classes provide functionality for recording user actions (such as mouse clicks and keyboard key presses) and replaying them later.

ActionRecorder Class

The ActionRecorder class is responsible for recording user actions and storing them as a sequence of actions. It provides methods to record mouse clicks, keyboard key presses, and mouse movements.

Public Methods

  • void RecordPressLeft(float x, float y); Records a left mouse button press action at the specified coordinates (x, y).

  • void RecordReleaseLeft(float x, float y); Records a left mouse button release action at the specified coordinates (x, y).

  • void RecordKeyPress(uint16_t key); Records a keyboard key press action for the specified virtual key code.

  • void RecordKeyRelease(uint16_t key); Records a keyboard key release action for the specified virtual key code.

  • void RecordMouseMove(float x, float y); Records a mouse movement action to the specified coordinates (x, y).

  • void ReplayActions(); Replays the recorded actions in the same sequence they were recorded.

EventHook Class

The EventHook class is responsible for hooking into system events and capturing user actions in real-time. It uses the Core Graphics Event Tap API to intercept mouse and keyboard events. The captured events are then forwarded to the ActionRecorder for recording.

Public Methods

  • explicit EventHook(ActionRecorder& recorder); Constructs an EventHook object with a reference to the ActionRecorder instance.

  • void StartRecording(); Starts the event hook and begins recording user actions.

  • void StopRecording(); Stops the event hook and stops recording user actions.

Please note that the EventHook class currently supports macOS, and Windows support is not yet implemented.

Example Usage

Here's an example code snippet demonstrating how to use the ActionRecorder and EventHook classes to record and replay user actions:

#include <EventHook.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  int recordFor = 10;

  Robot::ActionRecorder recorder;
  Robot::EventHook hook(recorder);

  std::cout << "Start recording actions in 3 seconds..." << std::endl;

  // Start recording
  std::cout << "Starting to record actions for " << recordFor << " seconds..." << std::endl;
  std::thread recordingThread([&hook] { hook.StartRecording(); });

  // Sleep for 10 seconds

  // Stop recording
  std::cout << "Stopping recording..." << std::endl;

  // Wait for 5 seconds before replaying
  std::cout << "Replaying actions in 3 seconds..." << std::endl;

  // Replay the recorded actions
  std::cout << "Replaying actions..." << std::endl;

  return 0;