Prometheus exporter for WordPress
$ go get
$ wordpress_exporter -wpconfig=/path/to/wp-config
$ wordpress_exporter -host= -port=3306 -user=uuuu -db=dddd -tableprefix=wp_ -pass=xxxx
It starts serving metrics at http://localhost:8888/metrics
For Prometheus to start scraping the metrics you have to edit /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml and add:
- job_name: 'wordpress'
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ['localhost:8888']
the above is valid if the exporter runs at the same host as prometheus service. If prometheus runs in a docker container perhaps you will need to change localhost with the IP of the host system, something like
Here is provided a quick WordPress service setup with docker-compose for testing the wordpress_exporter. You can go in $GOPATH/src/ and run:
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
Now a wordpress is being served at : http://localhost:8000 where you must visit and create a user with a password. Then you can login in WordPress and create posts, users etc.
Next you must start the wordpress_exporter
$ wordpress_exporter -port=33306 -db=wordpress -user=wordpress -pass=wordpress1234
You will see the metrics from those actions.
You can find a WordPress dashboard in $GOPATH/src/
For it to work you must define in Grafana a new Prometheus data source as prom1 This must be the Prometheus instance that is scrapin metrics from wordpress_exporter. Then you can import the above json file and start viewing the metrics.