A 2D multiplayer game where you control a hero. With your hero, you can move freely through the map and attack other players. If you die, you'll respawn in 5 seconds.
Try it out in: http://barebones.rafaelantun.es
- Created by: Rafael Antunes.
- clone the repository
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
- The API will listen to port
and will serve/game
- Access the
- use
mix test
- Choose your hero's name
- Move using the buttons on the upper left corner
- Attack players when they are 1 block away from your hero
- Have fun :)
Add a ping system to check if the player's browser is open and the player is active. If the ping is not successfully the player is removed.
Add a system to prevent multiple players from controlling the same hero, by entering with the same name.