This was created by Shawn Seymour and Nate Perfetti - 1/24/16.
In this lab you will learn to create a simple website using HTML and CSS, following best practices and using validated code, all while maintaining good version control using WebStorm's git/GitHub integration.
Your specific tasks for this lab can be found in the file in this repository.
- Have one member of your group fork this repository on GitHub
- Have that group member add all other members of your group as collaborators
- In the WebStorm launch window, choose "Check out from version control", choose GitHub.
- You will be asked to enter your GitHub login information, as well as a master password (used to store login information locally).
- Select your repository from the drop down menu ("Git repository URL"). If your repo is not listed here, you can copy-paste this address from GitHub.
Please review the version control guide: (in this repository)
####Validating your code:
####Fun WebStorm Information:
- WebStorm Documentation for Markup Language and Style Sheets <-- Cool stuff here
####Generally helpful things:
- HTML Tutorial at W3 Schools
- HTML5 Specific Tutorial at W3 Schools
- CSS tutorial at W3 Schools, particularly:
- A guide to font families
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Float: How to position elements next to each other
- CSS Display and Visability
- CSS3 Features - Relativly recent stuff, cool features not yet supported by all browsers.