The documents, Issues, and Projects in this repo are used to track operations and customer service work for our organization.
Ops expert Tom Limoncelli says that every effective ops team must define and publish the following three "empowering policies".
The email [email protected]
is available for users to email in any problems or suggestions that they have. We have established an on call rotation for members of the staff so that emails are viewed and responded to in a timely fashion. Any problems reported by the users are tracked to closure as GitHub Issues.
An emergency is any situation that prevents check-in and/or check-out, or causes other major disruption to the NLC attendance app. Staff members categorize and prioritize emergency Issues accordingly.
The NLC app itself, and everything needed to make it work, with the following limitations.
- The app relies on the college's directory server (AD/LDAP) to authenticate users. This is operated and supported by college staff; in case of trouble there we can only relay info to them. (We can work on app changes to deal with outages.)
- We will support the process of registering browsers on NLC PCs, but can't support upgrading browsers, etc. as that falls to college staff.