A semidecision procedure for catamorphisms. Uses Z3 as backend.
Pass as argument the path to a .cata
file, or any text file written with the CataSat syntax.
catasat.py [-h] [-v] [-pm] [-stf OUT_FILE] [-max ITER] [-npev] [-ss] file
Show help message.
Prints more details, like depth levels and range and control conditions.
If a model is found, print it (implied by --verbose
Save the temporary .smt2
file produced by CataSat to OUT_FILE
The max number of iterations to perform.
Disable partial evaluation of the catamorphisms. This can affect performance since partially evaluating the catamorphisms may reduce the number of iterations (and the calls to Z3).
(+ (Length Nil) (Length (Cons 2 x)))
(+ 0 (1 + (Length x)))
Enable strict selectors, so that selectors applied to the wrong terms make the formula unsatisfiable.
NOTE: it doesn't mantain equisatisfiability
Example, the term:
(head x)
with the accompanying assertions:
(assert (= x (Cons y ys))
The .cata
files syntax is the same as the SMT-LIB standard, with the addition of some new commands:
<new_commands> ::= "(" "define-cata" <cata_def> ")"
| "(" "define-range" <range_def> ")"
<cata_def> ::= <symbol> "(" <sorted_var> ")" <sort> <match_term>
<sorted_var> ::= "(" <symbol> <sort> ")"
<match_term> ::= "(" "match" <term> "(" <match_case>+ ")" ")"
<match_case> ::= "(" <pattern> <term> ")"
<pattern> ::= <symbol>
| "(" <symbol> <symbol>* ")"
<range_def> ::= "(" <var_cata>+ ")" <term>
<var_cata> ::= "(" <symbol> <symbol> ")"
See examples for some actual .cata
You can see the effectiveness of partial evaluation by checking partial_eval.cata.
With partial evaluation CataSat returns UNSAT
at depth zero.
$ python catasat.py examples/partial_eval.cata -v
Without partial evaluation it takes CataSat 4 iterations to return UNSAT
$ python catasat.py examples/partial_eval.cata -v -npev