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Add basic language server support for explicit symbol imports (#3282)
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This PR adds straightforward "go to definition" support for Motoko's pattern-style import syntax. 

For example, `import { v|als } "mo:base/Array"` and `v|als(x)` (where `|` represents the cursor) will correctly navigate to the corresponding `Array.vals` declaration. 

As with existing language server functionality, these changes do not yet account for variable shadowing. However, the updated `parse_module_header` function already parses import patterns such as (`import {alias = field} "..."`) based on the proposed generalized import syntax (#3076). 

Please let me know if additional explanation would be helpful for any of these changes. I also included four test cases to cover the newly expected behavior of `definition_handler` and `parse_module_header`. 

Tested in VSCode on WSL using the official Motoko extension.

Fixes #3078
Supersedes #3263

CC @kritzcreek, @crusso, @matthewhammer
  • Loading branch information
rvanasa authored Jun 4, 2022
1 parent baa692a commit 209bc04
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Showing 7 changed files with 160 additions and 31 deletions.
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions src/languageServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,11 +136,16 @@ let completions index project_root file_path file_contents line column =
match find_completion_prefix file_contents line column with
| None ->
(* If we don't have any prefix to work with, just suggest the
imported module aliases, as well as top-level definitions in
imported module aliases/fields, as well as top-level definitions in
the current file *)
let decls = item_of_ide_decl toplevel_decls in
@ (fun (alias, _) -> module_alias_completion_item alias) imported
| Source_file.AliasImport (ident, _)
| Source_file.FieldImport (_, ident, _) ->
module_alias_completion_item ident)
| Some ("", prefix) ->
(* Without an alias but with a prefix we filter the toplevel
identifiers of the current module *)
Expand All @@ -149,7 +154,12 @@ let completions index project_root file_path file_contents line column =
|> item_of_ide_decl
| Some (alias, prefix) -> (
let module_path =
imported |> List.find_opt (fun (mn, _) -> String.equal mn alias)
|> (function
| Source_file.AliasImport (ident, path)
| Source_file.FieldImport (_, ident, path)
-> (ident, path))
|> List.find_opt (fun (ident, _) -> String.equal alias ident)
match module_path with
| Some mp -> (
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/languageServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ let definition_handler index position file_contents project_root file_path =
let* path =
match ident with
| Alias (_, path) -> Some path
| Field (_, path) -> Some path
| Unresolved _ -> None
| Resolved { path; _ } -> Some path
| Ident _ -> Lib.FilePath.relative_to project_root file_path
Expand All @@ -52,10 +53,8 @@ let definition_handler index position file_contents project_root file_path =
let* decl_ident =
match ident with
| Alias _ -> None
| Unresolved { ident; _ } -> Some ident (* Currently unreachable *)
| Resolved { ident; _ } -> Some ident
| Ident ident -> Some ident
| Alias _ | Unresolved _ -> None
| Field (ident, _) | Resolved { ident; _ } | Ident ident -> Some ident
(* Note: ignoring `path` output value from `find_named` *)
let* _, region = find_named decl_ident module_ in
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/languageServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ let hover_handler (index : DI.t) (position : Lsp.position)
match ident_target with
| Source_file.Alias (_, path) ->
Some Lsp.{ hover_result_contents = markup_content path }
| Source_file.Field (_, path) ->
(* TODO: add field-specific information *)
Some Lsp.{ hover_result_contents = markup_content path }
| Source_file.Resolved resolved ->
let* _, decls =
lookup_module project_root resolved.Source_file.path index
Expand Down
86 changes: 74 additions & 12 deletions src/languageServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,17 +75,23 @@ let import_relative_to_project_root root module_path dependency =
|> Lib.FilePath.normalise
|> Option.some

type header_part =
(* import <alias> "<path>" *)
| AliasImport of string * string
(* import { <alias> = <field> } "<path>" *)
| FieldImport of string * string * string

(* Given the source of a module, figure out under what names what
modules have been imported. Normalizes the imported modules
filepaths relative to the project root *)
filepaths relative to the project root. *)
let parse_module_header project_root current_file_path file =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string file in
let tokenizer, _ = Lexer.tokenizer Lexer.mode lexbuf in
let next () =
let t, _, _ = tokenizer () in
let res = ref [] in
let header_parts = ref [] in
let rec loop = function
| Parser.IMPORT -> (
match next () with
Expand All @@ -97,15 +103,49 @@ let parse_module_header project_root current_file_path file =
(match path with
| Some path -> res := (alias, path) :: !res
| Some path ->
header_parts := AliasImport (alias, path) :: !header_parts
| None -> ());
loop (next ())
| tkn -> loop tkn)
| Parser.LCURLY -> loop_fields [] (next ())
| tkn -> loop tkn)
| Parser.EOF -> List.rev !res
| Parser.EOF -> ()
| tkn -> loop (next ())
(* Account for basic object pattern syntax *)
and loop_fields fields = function
(* Slightly lenient for new users *)
| Parser.SEMICOLON | Parser.COMMA | Parser.EQ ->
loop_fields fields (next ())
| Parser.ID field -> (
match next () with
| Parser.EQ -> (
match next () with
| Parser.ID alias ->
loop_fields ((field, alias) :: fields) (next ())
| tkn -> loop_fields ((field, field) :: fields) tkn)
| tkn -> loop_fields ((field, field) :: fields) tkn)
| Parser.RCURLY -> (
match next () with
| Parser.TEXT path ->
let path =
import_relative_to_project_root project_root current_file_path
|> List.rev
|> List.iter (fun (field, alias) ->
match path with
| Some path ->
header_parts :=
FieldImport (field, alias, path) :: !header_parts
| None -> ());
loop (next ())
| tkn -> loop tkn)
| tkn -> loop tkn
try loop (next ()) with _ -> List.rev !res
(try loop (next ()) with _ -> ());
List.rev !header_parts

type unresolved_target = { qualifier : string; ident : string }

Expand All @@ -114,18 +154,40 @@ type resolved_target = { qualifier : string; ident : string; path : string }
type identifier_target =
| Ident of string
| Alias of string * string
| Field of string * string
| Unresolved of unresolved_target
| Resolved of resolved_target

let identifier_at_pos project_root file_path file_contents position =
let imported = parse_module_header project_root file_path file_contents in
let header_parts = parse_module_header project_root file_path file_contents in
cursor_target_at_pos position file_contents
|> (function
| CIdent s -> (
match List.find_opt (fun (alias, _) -> alias = s) imported with
| None -> Ident s
| Some (alias, path) -> Alias (alias, path))
| CIdent ident -> (
| AliasImport (alias, path) ->
if alias = ident then Some (Alias (alias, path)) else None
| FieldImport (field, alias, path) ->
if alias = ident then Some (Field (field, path)) else None)
| None -> Ident ident
| Some x -> x)
| CQualified (qual, ident) -> (
match List.find_opt (fun (alias, _) -> alias = qual) imported with
| AliasImport (alias, path) ->
if alias = qual then
Some (Resolved { qualifier = qual; ident; path })
else None
| FieldImport (field, alias, path) ->
if alias = qual then
(* TODO: find the qualified record / object key definition when possible *)
Some (Field (field, path))
else None)
| None -> Unresolved { qualifier = qual; ident }
| Some (alias, path) -> Resolved { qualifier = qual; ident; path }))
| Some x -> x))
50 changes: 41 additions & 9 deletions src/languageServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ let hovered_identifier_test_case file expected =

let parse_module_header_test_case project_root current_file file expected =
let actual = Source_file.parse_module_header project_root current_file file in
let display_result (alias, path) = Printf.sprintf "%s => \"%s\"" alias path in
let result =
(fun (x, y) (x', y') -> String.equal x x' && String.equal y y')
actual expected
let display_result = function
| Source_file.AliasImport (alias, path) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s => \"%s\"" alias path
| Source_file.FieldImport (field, alias, path) ->
if alias = field then Printf.sprintf "{ %s } => \"%s\"" field path
else Printf.sprintf "{ %s = %s } => \"%s\"" field alias path
let result = Lib.List.equal ( = ) actual expected in
if not result then
Printf.printf "\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s"
(Completion.string_of_list display_result expected)
Expand All @@ -58,16 +60,17 @@ let%test "it finds a qualified identifier" =
let%test "it parses a simple module header" =
parse_module_header_test_case "/project" "/project/src/"
"import P \"lib/prelude\""
[ ("P", "src/lib/prelude") ]
[ Source_file.AliasImport ("P", "src/lib/prelude") ]

let%test "it parses a simple module header that contains a prim import" =
parse_module_header_test_case "/project" "/project/src/"
"import Prim \"mo:⛔\"" [ ("Prim", "mo:⛔") ]
"import Prim \"mo:⛔\""
[ Source_file.AliasImport ("Prim", "mo:⛔") ]

let%test "it parses a simple module header with package paths" =
parse_module_header_test_case "/project" "/project/src/"
"import P \"mo:stdlib/prelude\""
[ ("P", "mo:stdlib/prelude") ]
[ Source_file.AliasImport ("P", "mo:stdlib/prelude") ]

let%test "it parses a simple module header" =
parse_module_header_test_case "/project" "/project/"
Expand All @@ -89,4 +92,33 @@ func singleton(x: Int): Stack =
ListFuncs.doubleton<Int>(x, x);
[ ("List", "lib/ListLib"); ("ListFuncs", "lib/ListFuncs") ]
Source_file.AliasImport ("List", "lib/ListLib");
Source_file.AliasImport ("ListFuncs", "lib/ListFuncs");

let%test "it parses a simple module header with explicit field imports" =
parse_module_header_test_case "/project" "/project/"
import { List; nil; cons = next } "lib/ListLib";

module {

private import { doubleton } "lib/ListFuncs";

func push(x: Int, s: Stack): Stack =
cons<Int>(x, s);

func empty(): Stack =

func singleton(x: Int): Stack =
doubleton<Int>(x, x);
Source_file.FieldImport ("List", "List", "lib/ListLib");
Source_file.FieldImport ("nil", "nil", "lib/ListLib");
Source_file.FieldImport ("cons", "next", "lib/ListLib");
Source_file.FieldImport ("doubleton", "doubleton", "lib/ListFuncs");
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/lsp-int-test-project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import MyDependency "mo:mydep/lib";
import List "lib/list";
import { nil; last = lastElement } "lib/list";

module {
public func myFunc() {
let myClass = MyDependency.MyClass();
let myNil = List.nil<Nat>();
assert lastElement(myNil) == null;
27 changes: 24 additions & 3 deletions test/lsp-int/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,22 +176,43 @@ main = do
(Position 6 25)
(Position 7 25)
[("lib/", Range (Position 31 14) (Position 31 17))]

log "Definition for a Class"
(Position 5 31)
(Position 6 31)
[("mydependency/", Range (Position 5 17) (Position 5 24))]

log "Definition for a function via an explicit field import"
(Position 8 15)
[("lib/", Range (Position 56 14) (Position 56 18))]

log "Definition for an imported module alias"
(Position 1 10)
(Position 1 7)
[("lib/", Range (Position 0 0) (Position 0 0))]

log "Definition for an imported field"
(Position 2 9)
[("lib/", Range (Position 31 14) (Position 31 17))]

log "Definition for an imported field alias"
(Position 2 21)
[("lib/", Range (Position 56 14) (Position 56 18))]

log "Completion tests"
log "Completing top level definitions"
Expand Down

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