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Mathew Emshey edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 1 revision

MacOS - Getting Started using Brew

The following steps are completed using the Terminal application. All required software libraries are available from the Brew package manager.

Required Libraries

Install Required Libraries

Before we start

brew update

Docker, PHP, Laravel, Valet

brew install --cask docker
brew install php
composer global require laravel/valet
valet install

Check valet installed correctly by pinging foobar.test and verifying responds. Use Control + C to cancel ping.

ping foobar.test

Node, pnpm, Vue

brew install node
brew install corepack
npm install -g @vue/cli


Launch Docker through through Spotlight or CLI with the command:


The MySQL server will be initiated in a Docker container. Install the official MySQL Docker image:

docker pull mysql

Create the MySQL instance and set the master password:

docker run --name osp -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql

Check that the MySQL image in running by running,

docker ps

Setting up the OSP Project

Naviagate to where you want to clone the repository (Do not use a directory which is backed up by iCloud)

git clone [email protected]:dfo-osdt/osp.git

Park Valet in the same directory which contains /osp

valet park

Cd into /osp to set up the environment file

cd osp/
cp .env.example .env

Open .env in your text editor of choice. Change the following variables to be the same as below:




Return to the terminal and run the following commands to initialize the project

composer install
pnpm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh
php artisan test 

Seed the database with dummy users and rerun the test

php artisan db:seed
php artisan test --parallel

Build pnpm

pnpm build

Running the application

At this point the application should be running. Begin using the application by navigating to osp.test. Test the login server with the credentials:

Maintaining your local copy

After pulling changes from the main repository you must update composer and pnpm with the following commands

composer install
pnpm install
pnpm build

Verify that your local copy is still functional with a test

php artisan test --parallel

Docker MySQL

Launch Docker

open -a docker

Start MySQL Container

docker start osp

Check active containers

docker ps

Stop MySQL Container

docker stop osp