An user-friendly web service to communicate with a Raspberry pi (send commands, browse directories, play with GPIO...). Oriented to education, 'chat-with-pi' allows collective learning. By using a friendly chat interface, students and professors can share knowledge and practise on a Raspberry pi. Without 'ssh' and in any platform/browser different users can share a real-time updated interface.
- Download the latest source of node.js in your Raspberry pi:
- Install the package:
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
- Clone repo:
git clone
- Install dependencies in cloned repo:
cd chat-with-pi
npm install
Maybe you also will need to install zeparser:
sudo npm install zeparser
- Run the app:
node index.js
- Chat with your pi in a browser: http://localhost:5000
PS. This is still an alpha version. More functionality will be added soon.
Enjoy! Help is welcome!