This is a minimalist Web service built with the Go Programming Language.
How to run:
Navigate to your GOPATH folder
git clone cd booksapi/app
go get ./... (to install dependencies)
go run main.go
You can easily test via postman
localhost:5000 {GET} (Prints hello world in console)
Requires a request body to create a bearer token. sample body: { "username":"poo", "password": "poo" } Meanwhile, I have created a token with that sample body and you can access other routes with it without having to request for your own bearer token
Bearer token : eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwYXNzd29yZCI6IiIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiIn0.QzJ1vY-cvf3uHHadiE5IZLl40_kd-zgt1jQS6LOPdN77dtFa8gnSQe_3nNcvkJj-mzHGnbtINSd2q5nwBxU4GA
localhost:5000/books {GET}(Returns an Array if books) - Requires the bearer token
localhost:5000/books/{id} --- {GET}(Returns a single book by ID) ID could be from 1 - 8 [at this time] - Requires the bearer token
localhost:5000/books/{id} --- {POST} (Adds specified request body to the list and returns an updated list) - Requires the bearer token
localhost:5000/books/{id} --- {DELETE} (Deletes specified a single book with ID from the list) - Requires the bearer token