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Inspect messages in a Kafka topic in a simple and deliberate manner


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kplay (short for "kafka-playground") lets you inspect messages in a Kafka topic in a simple and deliberate manner. Using it, you can pull one or more messages on demand, peruse through them in a list, and, if needed, persist them to your local filesystem.





brew install dhth/tap/kplay


go install

Or get the binaries directly from a release. Read more about verifying the authenticity of released artifacts here.

⚡️ Usage

kplay ("kafka playground") lets you inspect messages in a Kafka topic in a simple and deliberate manner.

kplay relies on a configuration file that contains profiles for various Kafka topics, each with its own details related
to brokers, message encoding, authentication, etc.

  kplay <PROFILE> [flags]

      --commit-messages         whether to start the TUI with the setting "commit messages" ON (default true)
  -c, --config-path string      location of kplay's config file (default "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/kplay/kplay.yml")
  -g, --consumer-group string   consumer group to use (overrides the one in kplay's config file)
      --display-config-only     whether to only display config picked up by kplay
  -h, --help                    help for kplay
  -p, --persist-messages        whether to start the TUI with the setting "persist messages" ON
  -s, --skip-messages           whether to start the TUI with the setting "skip messages" ON

🔧 Configuration

kplay's configuration file looks like the following:

  - name: json-encoded
    authentication: none
    encodingFormat: json
    topic: kplay-test-1
    consumerGroup: kplay-consumer-group-1

  - name: proto-encoded
    authentication: aws_msk_iam
    encodingFormat: protobuf
      descriptorSetFile: path/to/descriptor/set/file.pb
      descriptorName: sample.DescriptorName
    topic: kplay-test-2
    consumerGroup: kplay-consumer-group-1

  - name: raw
    authentication: none
    encodingFormat: raw
    topic: kplay-test-3
    consumerGroup: kplay-consumer-group-1

🔤 Message Encoding

kplay supports parsing messages that are encoded in two data formats: JSON and protobuf. It also supports parsing raw data (using the encodingFormat "raw").

Parsing protobuf encoded messages

For parsing protobuf encoded messages, kplay needs to be provided with a FileDescriptorSet and a descriptor name. Consider a .proto file like the following:

// application_state.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package sample;

message ApplicationState {
  string id = 1; // required
  string colorTheme = 2;
  string backgroundImageUrl = 3;
  string customDomain = 4;

A FileDescriptorSet can be generated for this file using the protocol buffer compiler.

protoc application_state.proto \
    --descriptor_set_out=application_state.pb \

This descriptor set file can then be used in kplay's config file, alongside the descriptorName "sample.ApplicationState".

Read more about self describing protocol messages here.

🔑 Authentication

By default, kplay operates under the assumption that brokers do not authenticate requests. Besides this, it supports AWS IAM authentication.

📄 TUI Reference Manual

kplay has 2 views:
- Message List and Details View
- Help View

Keyboard Shortcuts


  ?                              Show help view
  q                              Go back/quit
  Q                              Quit from anywhere

Message List and Details View

  <tab>/<shift-tab>              Switch focus between panes
  j/<Down>                       Move cursor/details pane down
  k/<Up>                         Move cursor/details pane up
  n                              Fetch the next message from the topic
  N                              Fetch the next 10 messages from the topic
  }                              Fetch the next 100 messages from the topic
  s                              Toggle skipping mode (if ON, kplay will consume messages,
                                     but not populate its internal list, effectively
                                     skipping over them)
  p                              Toggle persist mode (if ON, kplay will start persisting
                                     messages at the location
  c                              Toggle commit mode (if OFF, kplay will consume messages without
                                      committing them)
  y                              Copy message details to clipboard
  [                              Move to previous item in list
  ]                              Move to next item in list

🔐 Verifying release artifacts

In case you get the kplay binary directly from a release, you may want to verify its authenticity. Checksums are applied to all released artifacts, and the resulting checksum file is signed using cosign.

Steps to verify (replace A.B.C in the commands listed below with the version you want):

  1. Download the following files from the release:

    • kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt
    • kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt.pem
    • kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt.sig
  2. Verify the signature:

    cosign verify-blob kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt \
        --certificate kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt.pem \
        --signature kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt.sig \
        --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/dhth/kplay/\.github/workflows/.+' \
        --certificate-oidc-issuer ""
  3. Download the compressed archive you want, and validate its checksum:

    curl -sSLO
    sha256sum --ignore-missing -c kplay_A.B.C_checksums.txt
  4. If checksum validation goes through, uncompress the archive:

    tar -xzf kplay_A.B.C_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    # profit!


kplay is built using the awesome TUI framework bubbletea.