This project is based on Deformable Convolutional Network
This repository used code from MXNet rcnn example , mx-rfcn and Deformable-ConvNets.
This project's goal is based on training data to detector 4 classes of objects on the road, vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist and traffic lights, by using the R-FCN under MXNet framework.
R-FCN is initially described in a NIPS 2016 paper.
The project I was using a NVIDIA Quadro P5000 under CUDA 8. The wild testing result is based on EPOCH 19. It took 4 days.
Result file was in JSON format. It could be found under ./rfcn/results.json. results.json . I also selected 7 pictures from wild test imageset to perform the inference in an ipynb file for check out the result visually visual_inference.ipynb
My pre-trained model for this project could be found here Road Obj Detector Pretrain Model
I have applied this model on two youtube videos for verify the object detecting result. I used below videos from Youtube, one is road view in downtown and another is on a highway, by using below script.
python ./
The real time video detecting performance is not good. Processing every frame takes around 0.25 second. So the video is not smooth. I may need to rewrite the code or try TensorRT to make it better on inferencing later. I have put put the result video on youtube for reference.
Please refer to requirements.txt
Any NVIDIA GPUs with at least 4GB memory should be OK. This project I used Quadro P5000.
- Clone this repository to your system
git clone
For Windows users, run
cmd .\init.bat
. For Linux user, runsh ./
. The scripts will build cython module automatically and create some folders. -
Install MXNet:
3.1 Clone MXNet and checkout to MXNet@(commit 62ecb60) by
git clone --recursive git checkout -b 62ecb60 git submodule update --remote --merge
Using latest version of mxnet is also working, since I have patch the code to void the "allow_extra" parameter errors when loading the model.
3.2 Copy operators in
bycp -r $(DCN_ROOT)/rfcn/operator_cxx/* $(MXNET_ROOT)/src/operator/contrib/
3.3 Compile MXNet
cd ${MXNET_ROOT} make -j $(nproc) USE_OPENCV=1 USE_BLAS=openblas USE_CUDA=1 USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda USE_CUDNN=1
3.4 Install the MXNet Python binding by
cd python sudo python install
For R-FCN/Faster R-CNN:
- Check out the code, run the code of . It will download the train and wild testing data and extracted into below folder:
- Please download ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-v1-101 model manually from OneDrive, and put it under folder
. Make sure it looks like this:./rfcn/model/pretrained_model/resnet_v1_101-0000.params
- Run the to make more training sample. This file will create a mirror image. For the orignial image and mirrored image, will generate 6 differnt images by adjust the brightness x2, blur x2, constract x2. After augmentation, there are 131698 traing samples (remove the invalid training samples)
- All of our experiment settings (GPU #, dataset, etc.) are kept in yaml config files at folder
. You also can use the yaml file which located in the ./rfcn/road_train_all.yaml. - After change the yaml configuration file properly, run the below command to start training:
nohup python ./ --cfg road_train_all.yaml &
the output file will be stored under ./rfcn/output
- After train stage finished, you can use the to do the wild testing.
python ./
The result will be saved under ./rfcn/results.json. It will also save a copy of testing image with the bounding boxes under ./rfcn/bbox_pic/. You can verify the results by visually.
The code from Deformable ConvNets repository will have a bug when you run a mxnet which version later then 0.9.5. I have patch the code to make it work.
If you find Deformable ConvNets useful in your research, please consider citing:
Author = {Jifeng Dai, Haozhi Qi, Yuwen Xiong, Yi Li, Guodong Zhang, Han Hu, Yichen Wei},
Title = {Deformable Convolutional Networks},
Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.06211},
Year = {2017}
Author = {Jifeng Dai, Yi Li, Kaiming He, Jian Sun},
Title = {{R-FCN}: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks},
Conference = {NIPS},
Year = {2016}
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