Test shop in Django.
Djshop is a test shop made in Django. To serve as an example of django-virtual-pos package
Do not use in production!
$ cd djshop # move to the root of the repository
$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r src/requirements.txt
Create a file settings_local.py in /src/djshop/settings_local.py with this structure:
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'xxx'
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
DOMAIN = "localhost"
'default': {
'ENGINE': '<your django db backend>',
'NAME': '<djshop database>',
'USER': '<djshop database user>',
'PASSWORD': '<djshop database password>',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': ''
TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Madrid"
EMAIL_HOST = '<email host>'
EMAIL_PORT = <email host port>
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<user email>'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<user email password>'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '<default from email>'
python src/manage.py createsuperuser
Use this superuser to manage the shop.
- operation_number: will containe the VPOS generated operation number.
- code: internal code of that sale in your system.
- status: sale status. Only statuses with "pending" value can be paid.
- online_confirm: mark the sale as paid successfully.
Include this code in your HEAD section
{% load djangovirtualpos_js %}
{% url 'public:set_payment_attributes' as set_payment_attributes_url %}
{% include_djangovirtualpos_set_payment_attributes_js set_payment_attributes_url sale.code url_ok url_nok %}
Include all virtual point of sale buttons you want, e. g.:
{% for virtual_point_of_sale in virtual_point_of_sales %}
<button class="pay_button" data-id="{{virtual_point_of_sale.id}}">
{% endfor %}
Configure the your set_payment_attributes_view:
from djshop.apps.sale.models import Sale
from djangovirtualpos import views as djangovirtualpos_views
def set_payment_attributes(request):
sale_model = Sale
sale_ok_url = "public:sale_ok"
sale_nok_url = "public:sale_cancel"
return djangovirtualpos_views.set_payment_attributes(request, sale_model, sale_ok_url, sale_nok_url)
Configure your payment confirmation view. Remember that this view will call sale.online_confirm().
from djshop.apps.sale.models import Sale
from djangovirtualpos import views as djangovirtualpos_views
def confirm_sale(request, virtualpos_type):
This view will be called by the bank.
return djangovirtualpos_views.confirm_payment(request, virtualpos_type, Sale)
VPOS payment by reference uses an unique reference to make payments without having to ask the credic card number
If your REDSYS VPOS allow this (currently only supported by REDSYS with POST confirmation), you only have to
Checkout the club application form more information. The process is defined as follows:
- Administrators create a new member.
- They make a 0€ payment operation (need his/her credit number, CVV and expiration date).
- This operation returns a reference and automatically it is stored in that member.
- From now on, an admin can make direct payments using his/her reference.
The license of this project is MIT and the logos have been created with Mark Maker.
Don't hesitate to contact me, write me to diegojREMOVETHISromeroREMOVETHISlopez@REMOVETHISgmail.REMOVETHIScom.
(remove REMOVETHIS to see the real email address)