npm install
node test.mjs
Bundling @codemirror/autocomplete that works
Bundling one single file in ESM (bundled already - zero dependencies) that incorrectly removes named exports (@coveo/headless/dist/browser/headless.esm.js)
Bundling the pre-bundle ESM that also mangles named exports (@coveo/headless/dist/headless.esm.js)
This one esm file (minified) targeted for the browser gets mangled
// This file is inside @coveo/headless as browser target
// Even though is just one esm file, it gets mangled to export default
entryPoints: ['node_modules/@coveo/headless/dist/browser/headless.esm.js'],
bundle: true, // even with bundle: false it converts the exports
outfile: 'incorrect_esm_bundling_single_esm.mjs',
logLevel: 'info'